
Usage: gms_other_admin_rights ( player_id )


Returns what the given player is allowed to do.

The following flags can be returned:

ar_kick: Allowed to kick
ar_ban: Allowed to ban
ar_owner: The player owns the game


//Note the notation: & instead of =
var player;
player = gms_other_find_by_name("Size43")
if(gms_other_admin_rights(player) & ar_ban)
    //Size43 is allowed to ban
}else if(gms_other_admin_rights(player) & ar_kick)
    //Size43 allowed to kick

Replies (3)

Last message on 17 Oct 2020

Size43 (Administrator) on 3 Dec 2017, 13:33:05
Since I've had a lot of questions asking how to have different colors for admins, there is now a tutorial explaining this here.
cocainegt on 9 Oct 2020, 11:52:41
Where do i insert this code?
Size43 (Administrator) on 17 Oct 2020, 16:58:53
What are you trying to do? Keep in mind that this code is an example, not a piece of code that you can copy-paste directly in to your game to do something. Where you insert this code is entirely dependent on what you want to achieve.