compile error gm studio.please help

Posted by rickky96
Compile Extensions...
Error : gml_Script_XServer_is_real(1):unknown function or script is_bool

script? im new to networking so happen to find this. im average at gml.

Replies (3)

Last message on 10 May 2018

Size43 (Administrator) on 7 Jan 2018, 16:08:39
Your GM:Studio installation is outdated. Please update to a more recent release.
Killuado on 6 May 2018, 00:01:40
i'm getting this error too! but the gml example works fine :/
Size43 (Administrator) on 10 May 2018, 19:24:10
You're using an outdated version of GameMaker: Studio which is unsupported. Whether things work or not is mostly luck at that point.