Hero Core Online is a small RPG exploration game, try to destroy all the bosses then it will be the end of the game (unless you would like to see more, tell me in a reply).
Special thanks to Daniel Remar (Ultimortal) for making the original game (Hero Core).
You can also play with people online.
Replies (11)
Last message on 11 Dec 2015
This is one of the best game maker games I have ever seen. Props to you man.
The art design was awesome (visually old timey with up to day battle style was awesome!!)
I have not completed it, but this is the first game (GMS game) that I will definitely come back too.
It reminded me to much of Super Metroid (One of the first best games I have ever played). Despite its differences, the play style felt very similar with. Like when I was fighting the second boss (the one where you had to stand still to shoot in it) felt like the same battle as Spore Spawn (Super Metroid) but with more bullet hell.
SO... SO... Awesome... More people need to try this.
Thank you so much for liking the game and for leaving a comment.
But you should know this is a fan game (like the description says), but I can make more (rooms/bosses/enemies) of this game (if you know about the original game Hero Core).
Also I can play with you in some time online if you would like to.
This is the second fan thing I've ever made and I'm now making the third one, I hope you like it when I release it, and if you would like to see my other games, check out my website:
for more.
No, I have never heard of Hero Core.
I would LOVE to play it with you! I was planning on playing with my best friend (the artist for my game Project Amaranth) on Thursday (I have finals for college and my last final, a speech nontheless, is Thursday). I would be happy if you joined us! To make matters easier, if you have Steam, please friend me so we can communicate more effectively. Username is Aaron13ps. I am a TF2 Engineer with a green hat on.a
There is one major problem ATM though... The game does not save.
This might be because we only log in as guests instead of full users (Judging from the "History of players" High Score Variable)?
If you would like to see our game, Its project Amaranth: (
Its a 2D Dungeon Crawling Platformer, but the main gamemode is not complete yet, so its just a "test online functions and explore" game ATM. Me and my buddies from college are planning (well technically I have not told them yet) to all play it same time on Friday.
Edit: I logged in again today, and it had one of my newer save files...
PHEW! Finally completed the game today :)
My and my friend (LGDragon) played through the whole game. Each boss was so unique and fun! I especially liked the hydra-like creature. Sorry you did not get to join us :C. I tried to give you my contact info but I never got any word back.
Great game 9/10.
I'm glad you enjoyed the game, also if you still haven't found this yet, there is a secret room that has a great treasure, it's only there to just make you stronger while playing the rest of the game (you already finished it, so you don't need it that much).
Also, try the original Hero Core (Note: it's only single player but way better that my fan made game), it's free and fun, download it here:
This game is still unfinished, there are actually 10 zones in the original game and I only made 3, I can make more rooms if you would like to and make more bosses.
In the original game, there are 2 difficulties (Normal and Hard), I made mine in Hard, and you have proven that you are a professional player, thanks for playing.
I think I might some time :) I still have yours download, and as I said, Ill replay it with you if you email me.
Another thing I would like to point out is that the first boss feels too hard. I usually takes 3-4 lifes, and I know I am good at games and all but this boss is just impossible!
Also, it seems like bosses health should reset if there is no one in the room. Seems kinda cheaty that I can die and continue where i left off.
I also feel there should be a better indication of what unlocks what. After the first boss I went ALL the way to sector 3 assuming THAT door was unlocked, but it ended up being a door in sector 2. Perhaps a flowing pipe? One that stops flowing when the door is unlocked (For instance leading from the second boss to the other room)?
Just a suggestion. Hope it helps :)
Sorry, I actually like making hard games (but not impossible or unfair games), I logged in, so when you read this, please login in the game.
They do reset every time you die, and you go back to your last save and the bosses will behave as if you didn't do it before, unless you kill them, they will regenerate in 5 minutes (or immediately if there is nobody playing).
When you take the item you get after killing a boss, try finding the things to open them with your new item, also new places that you can't reach with any item are impossible, yes you can take a look at them in just one room but not the rest of the sectors.
Also in every zone, this giant ball (generator, that's its name) you see, you must destroy it first to open the lazer door that leads to a boss.
I guess I told you to join me too late, maybe tomorrow because I have to sleep now.
Also I'm new on Steam but every time I click "Add friend", it says that I'm not able to use that feature yet, what should I do to enable this?
Oh sorry. I did not get ANY notifications about this.
If you still want to play, I would be more than happy to join you. Shoot me an email today if you want to and I might just happen to be available at that time, not doing much today (
As far as steam goes, if you have not bought any game, you can not use most of the features. Maybe you can get a free game and that will trigger the feature... IDK.
In regards to the hard thing. I realized that the eye things that were really hard you were able to come back to and the regular bosses were actually beatable. So it is all good.