This page was changed on September 7, 2020.
- Do not abuse this site or the extension
- Be nice to eachother
- Do not post (links to) content that is illegal, insulting, NSFW (not safe for work), malware, spyware, adware or a virus.
- GameMaker Server collects usage data, including chatlogs
- Even though GameMaker Server has been developed with care, GameMaker Server is not responsible for any damage resulting from downloading or using the site, the extension, or any of the games listed on this site
- If you're young, depending on the country you're in, you may need to get permission of a parent before registering an account or using this site
By using or one of the games made using GameMaker Server, you agree that you'll...
- ...not post any content on the site or in a game that contains:
- (Links to) Insults
- (Links to) Racism
- (Links to) Discriminatory content
- (Links to) Sexual/Pornographic material
- (Links to) malware, spyware, adware, or any other kind of infected file
- (Links to) illegal content
- ...behave (moderators have the authority to decide whether you do or not)
- ...not misuse or abuse the service by deploying automated registration, automated login attempts or other automated operation of this site
- ...(as a developer) respect the privacy of your players. You will never store the user's password. You will not use their data without their permission, in accordance with the GDPR.
- ...(as a developer) notify your users of these rules
- ...not use this service if you're too young to use it, depending on your country's law
- ...not register the GameMaker Server website on traffic sharing websites or programs. Doing this will result in a permanent ban.
GameMaker Server reserves the right to:
- To delete any content (including, but not limiting to screenshots, game descriptions or games) uploaded/added by the user, without any given reason at any time
- Ban users or IP-addresses from using this site or any/all games using GameMaker Server at any time without permission and without any given reason
- Shut down this website, game hosting or any other part of GameMaker Server without any given reason at any time
- Prevent games that use the GameMaker Server extension from working
When uploading/adding content to this website:
- You must make sure you own the rights to the content and the content does not infringe copyright
- By uploading/adding content you grant a non-exclusive, royalty-free, non-transferrable, perpetual license to GameMaker Server to host this content on
This disclaimer applies to (, all files hosted on any of the GameMaker Server websites, and the server hosting all multiplayer sessions.
Even though this website & the extension were developed with care, this website and all accompanying files are available without any form of warranty.
This Website and all accompanying files are provided "as is". Use at your own risk. GameMaker Server cannot be held responsible for any damage done by a file, a webpage, a game created with GameMaker Server, or for any damage caused by server (website and/or multiplayer host) downtime.
GameMaker Server is not responsible for games made by third parties using the GameMaker Server extension.
Privacy and Data Collection
- Chat messages are never private. Chat logs are stored, and can be reviewed at a later time by a moderator. Chat logs are stored for no more than 3 months
- When logging in to a game, we store the following information about you:
- Your username
- Your IP address
- A timestamp
- The game from which the login originates
- A unique identifier that identifies the device you are using
This information is necessary to run GameMaker Server and prevent abuse. It is stored for no more than 10 years.
- When you visit a page on this site, we collect the following information about you:
- Your IP-address
- The URL of the page you were trying to visit
- The value of the 'User-Agent' header sent by your browser
- A timestamp
This information is necessary to run and prevent abuse. It is stored for no more than 6 months.
When playing a game, debugging information is stored on the server. This might contain information about your actions taken in a game. This information is used to be able to diagnose and fix bugs, as well as prevent abuse of the service. These logs are stored for a period of no more than 6 months
- We share aggregated information about logins, game activity, highscores, achievements and statistics with developers of games
- We share your username and timestamps of logins with developers
Content on the website:
- Game descriptions, screenshots, page backgrounds, website and download links are public, even if you do not list your game on the website.
- Every change to user-generated content on the website is saved. Deleting or changing content will not immediately delete the old content
- Error messages including additional information (for example date, time, username and history of visited pages) are saved to improve this site
- Because of GameMaker limitations, the TCP connection to the server is not encrypted. This means that Man-In-The-Middle attacks on the connection are possible. Passwords are sent in a hashed form.
Your rights:
- You have the right to see the data that GameMaker Server has collected on you.
- You have the right to have incorrect personal data rectified
- You have the right to have personal data erased (NOTE: This is not a 'get out of jail free'-card when you have been banned. You do not have a right to continuous access to GameMaker Server)
- You have the right to restrict processing of personal data
- You have the right to data portability
- You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data. All data we collect is essential to the service we offer. You may submit a data erasure request if you object to your data being processed.
- You can find more information about your rights by visiting your country's Data Protection Agency or by reading the GDPR
For account deletion, please see here.
Please mail from the e-mail address registered to your account if you wish to exercise any of the other rights.