Created by RickyG



DF CONNECTED is a massive online-multiplayer Undertale experience! Explore reimagined locations from both Undertale and Deltarune, and meet Undertale fans from across the globe! Play as a wide range of characters from Undertale, Deltarune, a few AUs, and more!

DFC also features a unique PvP system, combining mechanics from both UT and DR to create exciting battles! PvP is compatible with every character in the game too, each character is assigned a "type" (kind of like Pokemon) that dictates what kind of attacks they can use.

Visit the official GameJolt page for more information on both of these games!

Replies (755)

Last message on 2 Feb 2025

SnowTheFox on 25 Nov 2020, 10:34:15
A lot of replies on in this section seem to be about appealing bans, if you wish to appeal a ban, please do so here:https://gamejolt.com/c/DF-kacbkb/appeals
Please note this is not a guaranteed way of unbanning your account; Your conduct will be put into questioning.
AMPsans on 26 Feb 2022, 11:20:48
Please unban me i don't do cheat or spam my account AMPsans
jose_creative on 27 Sep 2022, 01:07:50
xiaxiagua on 1 May 2023, 03:49:29
Please unban me i don't do chent or spam my account xiaxiaogua
xiaxiagua on 1 May 2023, 03:40:48
plz,unban xiaxiaogua
metacoderz on 17 Nov 2022, 17:07:15
plz, unban frisk993
metacoderz on 17 Nov 2022, 17:08:03
I haven't played this number in recent years,I gave this number away to someone else.
Why did I get a title when I tried to log in today?
CN_SANS_1 on 15 Jan 2025, 09:31:35
I regret that I violated the rules of the game, I will correct my mistakes, please unban my account.
YUSUF06 on 27 Jan 2024, 16:21:12
Hello, you are an admin. Please ban "BANPOWEREREN"(4493379). He crashes the server and using hack in the game.
ahmedcraftX on 31 May 2020, 20:39:24
pleas unban me
Cristoper_6555 on 16 Sep 2020, 09:55:15
Please unban me i don't do cheat or spam my account Cristoper_6455
Disbelieffan on 10 Aug 2021, 20:26:14
appel it on gamejolt
VideoGamePlayer7 on 18 Sep 2020, 21:18:58
You will be unbanned... in 273 years. You'll be able to play online again after that extremely excruciating long time.
galactic_cartoonist on 23 Dec 2020, 03:40:23
lol thats actually kinda funny
stewart2 on 5 Aug 2020, 04:52:04
also can someone tell me why i got banned and how long im sorry for what i did btw
Freecandys233 on 23 Aug 2021, 15:49:43
No you will never be unbanned
BAMKdaPlayer on 20 Dec 2021, 13:36:26
man you're just mean bro!
SkipLimeGameMaker on 29 Oct 2020, 12:13:18
please unban me please :(
stewart2 on 5 Aug 2020, 04:38:35
hey i saw you online today -._-.
nifzy on 9 Dec 2021, 16:36:41
how to reply to this comment ?
Haiphong1103 on 11 Dec 2021, 09:19:15
press the "reply" button lel

im not just gonna be bullying u, just saying
Nix001Bendy on 29 Jun 2020, 15:02:07
hello friend
DavePlayz on 15 Jun 2020, 12:52:40
No go play roblox instead of minecraft
Charawuntsoulz on 26 Oct 2021, 19:50:50
says roblox kid
NateTinBust44 on 30 Sep 2022, 12:09:17
I'm a roblox kid but i also prefer minecraft too
HenryXML on 3 Sep 2022, 18:46:31
I mean, I think that was the point.
Robin08 on 18 May 2024, 21:12:59
ok so this is basically just a complaint that DFC keeps crashing and no one of us players knows why. There is the suspicion it might be a Ddos attack but it is annoying. getting kicked every like 10 to 20 minutes
Robin08 on 18 May 2024, 21:22:42
and i mean it i hate that someone (or its just the servers) is crashing the servers constantly and its everyone that gets disconnected not only me whoever finds this post and experiences the same pls upvote and reply XD i wanna show how many ppl it is who have the same
SlackinOff on 7 Jul 2024, 11:55:07
https://status.gamemakerserver.com/ - you'll be able to know if it was either your wifi or just gms
SlackinOff on 10 Feb 2024, 17:28:54
ten out of ten fangame
ahmedcraftzz on 31 May 2020, 13:48:18
im used the speed hack but for testing
and im banned pleas give one more chance pleas
i love this game but i can't to play it again
pleas forgive me guys
my accont name is ahmedcraftX
pleas help me
Papyru87 on 2 Jun 2020, 11:52:23
Hacking results in a permanent ban.
And a permanent ban is 99999 days.
And 99999 days is 273.788189 years.
So by the time you would be unbanned you would already be dead, since a average human can't really live 273.788189 years, unless it's a miracle.

Sorry, you won't be unbanned.
Ban evasion will also result in a ban.
NateTinBust44 on 17 Dec 2021, 06:11:47
But What Happens To The Account After 99999 Days? Does It Delete Itself?
Haiphong1103 on 18 Dec 2021, 09:17:23
it will be just be staying the same, it's kind of like locking an account though, except it's permanent
NateTinBust44 on 19 Dec 2021, 06:48:08
But What If Someone Gets Into The Account After 99999 Days? like figures out the password?
Haiphong1103 on 19 Dec 2021, 09:31:51
oh i said the wrong message, anyways, people can get in the account if the account is unbanned after 99999 days now, but uh i think it's gonna give you omae wa mou shindeiru moment
Haiphong1103 on 19 Dec 2021, 09:27:14
Even if PEOPLE figured out the password, they "can't" get access to the account if the account is banned. Banned accounts cannot be accessed with the game. If it got access to the game, then people would assume that it's ban evasion.
Austin1212 on 5 Jun 2022, 04:48:18
ahmedcraftzz on 31 May 2020, 14:35:06
dont un banned my account but let me create new account
or remove all of data of this account
fellsans93 on 31 May 2020, 13:56:14
You can't get unbanned as a result of your speedhack,ban is permanent.
ahmedcraftzz on 31 May 2020, 14:07:44
thank you my friend
DavePlayz on 15 Jun 2020, 12:54:04
Ahmed if u use another account i think you might hack again? So uhhhh delete that hack before i omae wa mou shindeiru you
ahmedcraftX on 28 Jun 2020, 21:11:13
i'm deleted the hack but thats ban ip
AngelChara on 12 May 2020, 15:25:31
I don't know what happened. My account is blocked. Who can tell me why and when to unseal?Please...
IVIPOWER on 26 May 2020, 09:42:21
i see a message board that put connection lost, what is it???
if i've been baned please tell me why and how many time please
RadiationGamer01 on 12 May 2020, 16:49:52
You have been banned for 2 days for spamming in local chat.
IVIPOWER on 26 May 2020, 09:51:01
me? well i'll wait but i dont write so much :v
Meliksah on 25 May 2020, 22:23:15
Can you tell me why I am banned and how much I am banned? My account name: Meliksah
AngelChara on 13 May 2020, 09:00:06
Ok.Thank you very much!
ahmedmohamed on 12 May 2020, 20:01:57
can you tell me why i get ban pls
Size43 (Administrator) on 13 May 2020, 12:39:39
I run this site, not DF. I am not the one who decides about your ban.
RadiationGamer01 on 13 May 2020, 13:16:31
ahmedmohamed, you were banned for ban evasion and ban is permanent.
ahmedmohamed on 14 May 2020, 13:35:06
ho you mean thes im rully soory for ban evasion
Size43 (Administrator) on 14 May 2020, 13:37:51
You do not need to spam messages until someone replies.

This is your last warning: stop spamming so many messages.
Cristoper_6555 on 16 Sep 2020, 10:02:03
Help me im on banned i don't do cheat or scamming
SENPAIIII on 1 Jun 2020, 11:31:31
plz admin unbanned me i didnt do anything wrong
ahmedmohamed on 14 May 2020, 13:43:44
ok im soory
nifzy on 9 Dec 2021, 16:40:09
what i dont underunstand what do you mean ?

speak spamnish
ahmedmohamed on 14 May 2020, 00:44:45
pls pls Answer me ):
ahmedmohamed on 14 May 2020, 00:43:49
ahmedmohamed on 13 May 2020, 15:59:58
im not evasion why you say im evasion
AndreiJosee47357 on 4 Jun 2020, 16:56:38
hi evasion
gamernoob0913 on 15 Nov 2019, 00:29:10
I give this game a 5 star rating controls and gameplay, but there is one problem, If I register, nothing happens, except for the login, it really annoys me, if you only fix it I could play it.
LucySteel420 on 23 Dec 2021, 19:27:03
Are you having trouble using online mode? I havent been able to login to my account at all...
NateTinBust44 on 30 Sep 2022, 12:12:33
its either bad internet or something else, cause i dont really know
TheMiningBoyAlpha on 28 Sep 2019, 03:18:55
Will character creation be a thing?
LennyTale9999 on 10 Jun 2020, 14:42:24
I think they said on Discord that it's impossible (at least I think, maybe it's possible but it's really hard) Sorry, I'm a bit late
SlackinOff on 6 Mar 2024, 20:47:56
I know this is from 2020, but even if it's possible, there'd probably be an insane amount of people with inappropriate characters, though if 2.8 is pure anarchy that'd be not even an issue, but there's still a lot of issues that sorround it.
PureSilenceYugi on 25 Sep 2019, 22:22:43
it won't let me login worth of anything
loveandhate333 on 13 Oct 2019, 09:14:42
me either
Vion on 6 Oct 2019, 15:08:34
Can't login either :3
Salomon on 25 Sep 2019, 22:56:10
that's happend to me too...
RadiationGamer01 on 27 Sep 2019, 19:14:22
Damn rip
DerpySans on 8 Oct 2019, 22:17:57
i cant join either
FCGaelic on 16 Apr 2020, 08:52:57
You may have to wait or exit the game and go back into the game and put your username and password
Salomon on 30 Sep 2019, 03:08:51
XD Howdy rad long time X3
fellsans93 on 30 Sep 2019, 17:08:48
hoi salo long time Xd
Salomon on 12 Oct 2019, 07:12:37
lol The Team is back XD
RadiationGamer01 on 30 Sep 2019, 09:00:42
hOi xd
DLFandTGM on 30 Nov 2019, 03:46:22
Why is there soooooooooo many people who cant login?! (including me)
dan172 on 29 Jan 2020, 21:22:45
and me
MiniTricko on 22 Sep 2019, 14:35:50
damn hot
LucySteel420 on 23 Dec 2021, 19:26:00
HunterBoy344 on 3 Oct 2020, 18:41:08
LUIGI_BLANKO on 4 Jan 2025, 15:03:03
I certainly dont forget
Xkiller007 on 10 May 2024, 11:59:25
Hello, I want to unlock the Grind room in the New World 2 of Snowdin. It's in the bottom of warping option in Snowdin. I heard that to open that room all the New World bosses (3) had to be defeated and I did it. But still I can't open it. It still says you need to defeat the energy or something. I have the gold to open it but still I can't open it. Is there anything I should do or can you guys do something for it?
frieny on 14 Apr 2024, 13:46:06
Sorry,but has anyone seen players called 'cnk123','vis123' and 'cnha123' after 2023?
I just worried about them.
S7venS0ul5 on 10 Apr 2024, 23:44:54
Hi! Just wanted to say that I've been a long time fan of the game even after it got revamped. And for that i wanted tot hank both Ricky, the mods and the developers for making such a amazing game and having the online server as long as they could. You all deserve literal gold medals for even continuing this and being such lively people. Thank you again and hope the next update is such as good.
SHOSHO113 on 22 Jan 2024, 12:48:46
Epic .
MarinaraMeatloaf on 21 Dec 2023, 00:19:14
Dear Admins, Is it fine if I change my username in-game?
An3k1 on 12 Dec 2022, 12:09:31
i lost password to my account, what should i do?
samuel62g2 on 21 Jan 2023, 22:43:03
Just Go to login and click reset password and put the email account of the account and after a email will be send and click the link of the sended email and put the New account password
endrewscottdbz on 13 Nov 2022, 01:11:17
Good fangame
Ghosttale_Sans on 26 Oct 2022, 21:52:36
I'm having trouble with DFC. When I open the windows version of the game and select Login or Register, the game crashes soon after. I've tried deleting and redownloading the game to no avail. Could I get some help with this?
hadron27 on 7 Oct 2022, 02:22:23
MegaloEX, I miss you :(
DinoWattz on 14 Oct 2022, 18:19:11
Lemme guess, MegaloEX was someone you met on DF and they disappeared for some reason? well, a couple of times that happened to me, but I just gotta move on and "don't forget" them.
kinda cliché but cool B)
hadron27 on 20 Oct 2022, 03:19:22
I guess you're right.
jose_creative on 27 Sep 2022, 01:08:33
this comment is like a lot of 5 years olds trying to get unbanned lmao!!!!
DinoWattz on 14 Oct 2022, 18:07:52
the 5 years old army rises once again lol
szop on 10 Feb 2022, 12:09:51
can someone help me? I can't join any server I write my nick and password but nothing happens.
szop on 10 Feb 2022, 12:14:31
and I didn't do anything.
szop on 10 Feb 2022, 12:15:06
I just downloaded new version and i can't play
wsaf on 19 Mar 2022, 10:50:25
It liked me before,but I had to wait until that itself work
LucySteel420 on 23 Dec 2021, 19:23:22
Im having issues with logging in on the mobile version of this app, stuck on the "please wait..." screen and I gave it about 7 minutes before just giving up. Is this even the right place to troubleshoot? lol idk
tropluckyfr on 25 Oct 2021, 21:35:59
I love how 9 year olds just go like
like man if you got banned for cheating dont try to appeal it just mean your a dumbass that think mods are kind and will unban anyone and if you barely can spell its obvious that you are real young andd if you cant deal with being banned just dont play online
one of the things that pushes mods to prob not unban you is the fact that if you used hacks they instantly put you un the "Prob will do it again" case list wish means your basically fucked

If you wanna play
play offline and dont ask for appeal after using hacks
it never works
tropluckyfr on 25 Oct 2021, 21:37:44
its important to note im mods in multiple servers on another game so i know what im saying
changeable002 on 25 Sep 2021, 09:52:50
I have a quastion:how can I change my namecolor in overworld?
nifzy on 9 Dec 2021, 16:50:28
type "free namecolor in overworld for me please" and then go in vessels, and then go to namecolor, you will get 2 choices to pick from, Chat-Color or OW-Color which OW stands for OverWorld and then choos OW-Color and then choose any color you want

since this is such a secret not much people know it so dont call me sus if you think theres so low people that know this! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 1 ! !!!!
Haiphong1103 on 7 Dec 2021, 03:57:49
If you are on PC, press S and hover to namecolor. On mobile, please press the heart changing icon and press namcolor.
Haiphong1103 on 7 Dec 2021, 04:21:11
ok that was a lie u cant change ur namecolor in the overworld :troll:
SeekingHeart on 30 Aug 2021, 03:00:53
Im looking for a player that plays df named freecookies233 they were ban and need help to file a appeal to get unban if anyone knows how to get a hold of them or is cookie sees this plz reply
Haiphong1103 on 7 Dec 2021, 04:22:58
tell them which kind of ban, like T3 or T4. if they say T3 then tell them to appeal at gamejolt, if they say T4 then ignore them cuz T4 cannot be appealed and permanently banned forever.
tanman201121YT on 6 May 2021, 16:57:27
my account seems to not be working when i log in it just sits there and does nothing doesnt even tell me to try again if you have an explination or a fix to this plz tell me
tanman201121YT on 6 May 2021, 17:03:13
my name is tanman201121YT in the game so plz if im banned please tell me why and what tier
VEERT00X on 8 Feb 2021, 16:34:01
Hello when i login on pc i have no problem but when I use the same name and password it dose not work or im stuck on please wait screen
Zevrox on 2 Jan 2021, 16:05:13
this is not funny i am not even used game chat open my ban
Lyxnch on 12 Dec 2020, 03:03:16
Man, how many people get banned here? It's that hard to enjoy a game as a game? And to respect the rules made for the game?
Pizan666 on 11 Dec 2020, 22:27:11
Why my account is banned?
YegorYT on 21 Nov 2020, 16:11:43
please unban me developers im dont know why i was banned because im played how normal player
My nickname : EgorYT
Please unban me im want play in this game
SnowTheFox on 25 Nov 2020, 10:30:55
Your name(s) do not seem appear in our ban logs, please refer to our Discord Server or GameJolt Community and get in touch with us there to help with your query.
eMACHO720 on 16 Nov 2020, 02:28:36
Excuse me, please, they would not remove my ban, it was all a misunderstanding, I was talking to my friends and then they told me that they were going to report me, but I didn't do anything to anyone and suddenly they banned me, I just want to know why they banned me?
Zevrox on 5 Nov 2020, 13:41:46
I've been banned for 5 days and I'm still banned un ban me please
Darqnife on 6 Nov 2020, 14:08:02
Olm oldun heralde cevap ver
Darqnife on 5 Nov 2020, 14:00:00
Ahiretten mi yaziyon olm cevap ver
Zevrox on 4 Nov 2020, 17:14:17
pls un ban me
Zevrox on 4 Nov 2020, 15:59:51
I wasn't use any hacks and i wasn't make swearing or racism why am i still banned?
Darqnife on 4 Nov 2020, 16:15:59
Oldun sandik ban yemisin
Zevrox on 4 Nov 2020, 15:58:48
4 days and i am still banned pls help
Zevrox on 2 Nov 2020, 11:04:22
pls unban me
StrikeSlash on 2 Nov 2020, 13:55:06
You're banned for spamming. You will be automatically unbanned after 7 days
ErenPolat on 3 Oct 2020, 13:35:56
ban?m? kald?rmayan adi köpektir..
dinotea on 8 Sep 2020, 21:28:17
Don’t mean to spam, but I’ve contacted two admins on why I’ve gotten banned and my duration. I see the problem, looking back at it, I completely agree that it was.. questionable activity.. I promise to not do so again, shortening my duration would be very nice! If not, I’m fine with that, I’ll wait it out:) Thanks

Kind Regards
TEMmeE on 25 Aug 2020, 03:57:02
(sorry if this isn't allowed) I just want to say a friendly hello to all the raging hackers.
HunterBoy344 on 3 Oct 2020, 18:01:05
"CaN i Be UnBaNnEd PlEaSe I hAcKeD bUt It WaS jUsT fOr FuN oH nO yOu DiDnT sEe mY pOsT sO i HaVe To PoSt It 8000000 MoRe TiMeS wHy WaS i BaNnEd AnYwAy EvEn ThOuGh I aLrEaDy KnOw WhAt I dId AnD bY tHe WaY i ToTaLlY cArE aBoUt RuLeS i WoNt Do It AgAiN eVeN tHoUgH i OnLy CaRe AbOuT tHe RuLeS rIgHt NoW bEcAuSe I wAnT tO bE uNbAnNeD sO i CaN hAcK mOrE"

-Dirty DFC Hackers
fellsans93 on 4 Oct 2020, 06:55:09
was your caps lock broken.
HunterBoy344 on 6 Oct 2020, 11:55:57
UnderchannelYTB on 28 Jul 2020, 16:43:00
Can you unban me please?
Idk how this works actually but i just did spam a short thing.But after a few seconds i stopped.Then someone said me "I reported you." i said thanks for joke and said report me more.And i got banned however, Well i won't say anything if you don't unban me but that was it all i wanted to say...
AlyElnegm on 20 Jul 2020, 23:30:40
i don't know who is this guy or why he did that to me but suddenly he called me and said i should pay for what i have done i said ha??? and boom i got banned i didn't hack or do anything i didn't even know this guy i think but i didn't cheat to be banned wtf man unban me guys i didn't do any thing wrong + i did many things in the game and i don't wanna start all over again
AlyElnegm on 21 Jul 2020, 00:22:10
and if i got banned due to spamming in the chat and i reallt didn't mean do spam so i am sorry but i don't think that is the reason because if that were the reason that guy wouldn't say you would pay for what you have done and if the ban is because i spoiled a secret so i am sorry too i didn't know i that would ban me and that guy looked like he already knew that secret and he said he want to see it when i asked him so i don't think either that was the reason i got banned so could any one pls tell me WHY I GOT BANNED?????
fellsans93 on 21 Jul 2020, 11:45:08
you were banned for T1 - Slur.
Duration is 7 days.(from jul 20th)
AlyElnegm on 21 Jul 2020, 16:28:34
guys really??? you can't be Serious i was just kidding with that guy if he just talk to me about that instead of ban me i would tell him i am sorry and that guy said he would pvp me and he stopped at the vip room without doing anything i slur him because of lying to me and i was kidding i wasn't Serious and i didn't know that would make you ban me anyway guys i am sorry for sluring that guy i am really sorry i didn't mean it but you can't ban me from playing my best game for 7 days for that i am sorry just unban me and i swear i will not do it again i did that because i didn't know there is a law in this game prevent that and instead of banning your players for slur just make a sensor for bad words like the other games and i really am sorry please please unban me it is my only and best game for me
EgeGoksel206 on 11 Jul 2020, 13:03:28
i don't know why i got banned but i guess i deserve it but just tell me why please
fellsans93 on 21 Jul 2020, 11:47:17
you were banned for: Potentionally Breached Account.
Duration: 9999 days.
EgeGoksel206 on 1 Aug 2020, 02:16:29
Well I understood my crime sorry again good day
hadron27 on 21 Oct 2022, 01:01:03
DONT WORRY ! You can play in 27 years!
Hellstone on 9 Jul 2020, 00:37:23
Ummmmmmmmmmmm, can somebody tells me how to change my account name??? My current name is a little kind of... long? Thx guys =)
Hellstone on 9 Jul 2020, 00:49:30
Plz somebody replies meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee plz
fellsans93 on 21 Jul 2020, 11:48:16
you can't change your name unless you register a new one lol.
XugoYT on 2 Jul 2020, 18:34:47
Hello, i'm posting this message because i just got disconnected from the game and when i'm trying to reconnect the game say that my account was ban, can someone explain me or help me please ? i didn't do anything. Thanks.
fellsans93 on 21 Jul 2020, 11:51:46
you were banned for using a speedhack.
Duration: 30 days(from jul 2nd)
supanigam90 on 12 Jun 2020, 16:36:25
hello. i was playing FFA mode, then a message appeared saying that either the server was disconnected or i was kicked. they closed the game and I came back to login, but it wasn't loading the game! Am i banned? i didn't used any hacks or spanned something. please answer with something like "you were banned by X days because you did Y thing" or if it's an error.

I love this game, can i play it again?

sorry by the broken english.
supanigam90 on 12 Jun 2020, 17:15:21
my username is the same i'm using now: supanigam90
supanigam90 on 12 Jun 2020, 17:11:00
hello? someone help me? am I banned or smth? is this a random DF bug? or y'all are joking with me?

Answer, if i was banned, please don't make it longer because i'm ban evading, i don't even know if i'm banned.
supanigam90 on 12 Jun 2020, 19:16:05
can someone help me?
supanigam90 on 13 Jun 2020, 00:35:58
someone or something? help me plss! i can't login
xxAutismxx on 20 Jun 2020, 17:37:53
I don't actually know because i'm not admin or anything but i assume it's just a bug.
Try making a new account and see if that works.
GalaxyGamer12317 on 10 Jun 2020, 13:43:09
Ricky my account got banned for no reason can you help. ._.
name: GalaxyGamer12317
RadiationGamer01 on 10 Jun 2020, 23:05:38
Hello, you were banned for using autoclicker. You're ban is permanent.
Qsriel on 4 Jun 2020, 22:52:54
Hi, I accidentally reset since my up arrow is right next to enter. I lost all my stuff since there is no confirmation. Is there a way that I can get it all back? I seriously do not want to get to far behind behind my friends since it took a long time to get there. My ign is Qsriel.
Hellstone on 9 Jul 2020, 00:42:32
Meeeeeeeeeee 2 maybe you should try to start all over again =(
ahmedcraftX on 1 Jun 2020, 04:45:24
pleas unban me
Size43 (Administrator) on 2 Jun 2020, 12:22:48
First and final warning: stop spamming.
ahmedcraftX on 2 Jun 2020, 22:25:24
ok i'm so sorry
but pleas help me
Jolliu on 3 Jun 2020, 02:36:54
We should try not be like Ahmed..
SnowTheFox on 4 Jun 2020, 16:12:31
You will not be unbanned, I suggest you heed Size43's words.
ITZsansmc on 13 Aug 2020, 07:51:13
Plssss unban me i will not spamming anymore
fellsans93 on 1 Jun 2020, 15:48:28
Don't spam useless messages,you can't join this game again forever.
ahmedcraftX on 31 May 2020, 15:08:53
pleas unban my account or let me create new account pleas
im so sorry for cheating pleas forgive me for that
pleas pleas help me
PRIDUROSHNY on 27 May 2020, 14:01:49
Hello, for some reasons I get banned, Who can tell me why I banned and when Ill be unbaned
RadiationGamer01 on 27 May 2020, 19:08:39
Hello, you were banned because of NSFW. Ban is 7 days.
Soy12 on 27 May 2020, 03:22:54
???? i will do anything for unbannig me :(
fellsans93 on 21 Jul 2020, 11:55:13
you were banned for stat hacking,and the ban was permanent
7Echo7 on 18 Jul 2020, 00:38:38
Dabonthatnecro on 5 May 2020, 11:00:40
Hey. I was banned for 20 days, and I have waited that period of time, and my account is not yet unbanned. If there is an admin who sees this, please can you look into the problem. Thanks.
Dabonthatnecro on 5 May 2020, 11:08:55
Just for some extra info, I was IP banned on my alt account (NeverSeeItComing).
AndreiJosee47357 on 9 May 2020, 11:43:36
maybe because you were ip banned is the reason you aren't unbanned
chara006688 on 26 Apr 2020, 06:32:01
I haven't do anything wrong,but my account is blocked. I didn't cheat
RadiationGamer01 on 26 Apr 2020, 14:30:51
You are banned for 3 days for showing off an exploit.
Coffeeplayz on 19 Apr 2020, 15:23:11
Sup goys
Coffeeplayz on 19 Apr 2020, 15:22:59
Sup guys
tem_stop on 17 Apr 2020, 18:55:52
nice game i just can't log in
FCGaelic on 22 Apr 2020, 19:43:40
sometimes you may have to wait or close DON'T FORGET and then reopen it
Napstalone on 15 Apr 2020, 22:38:40
i'am banned from the game but is there any way to play the game again? i don't hack just to make the game worse for other people i hack because i don't have enough time for stuff like grinding because sometimes i have internet an sometimes i don't so i needed to hack but i regret it so please is there any way to play this game again , i know you might not believe me but i understand there is so much people lie about how they got banned so if you think i am lying so just ignore me i don't really mind.
fellsans93 on 16 Apr 2020, 04:34:42
if you hack then you wont have any way to get unbanned,unless you wait it for 9999 days
FCGaelic on 16 Apr 2020, 08:54:45
Don't you think thats to much?
Mabye just ban him for a year?
fellsans93 on 16 Apr 2020, 10:11:31
bruh admins should ban a hacker permanently,also i dont decide the duration of the ban,if you think thats too much then talk to rickyg,not me.
FCGaelic on 16 Apr 2020, 10:13:58
Ah, okay (im new to this ;b srry about that
FCGaelic on 16 Apr 2020, 10:15:40
Also there was a hacker called MTFHerobrine
It's a good thing i was online (4:15AM were i am at
) i banned him
Napstalone on 16 Apr 2020, 10:28:04
I understand
Napstalone on 4 May 2023, 00:40:42
How could you
IVIPOWER on 26 May 2020, 09:30:23
depending for what have u hack, i thing therewill b a tempban if u hack with a good prupose, if u not u will be permanently baned
RalseisGotAGun on 17 Apr 2020, 06:52:14
Well, hacking in of itself is an issue, even if it isn't for a bad purpose... Can't do much about it.
mark2345 on 12 Apr 2020, 20:00:54
Hi admin. Please unblock my account or IP. I was trying to login with incirrect account and seems was blocked by this reason. Sorry.
GabrielPivot on 12 Apr 2020, 16:49:54
Listen everyone! The game won't let you join since it was a FULLY CHAOS in the first release of 2.0
Thank you for playing!
STG89 on 19 Mar 2020, 20:57:48
your game is broke when i go to register and type evrey thing and do what i need to do it dosn't work I type all the stuff I need to type Hello when to go to click register so I click register so I can play the game it doesn't f****** work Fix your god d*** game now I've been click that Button for an hour straight in nothing happens
STG89 on 19 Mar 2020, 21:00:33
-5 star rating dilligaf to the spelling
STG89 on 19 Mar 2020, 21:01:12
at leat im not allone
AndreiJosee47357 on 9 May 2020, 11:45:06
microsoft call centere here how may i help u
FCGaelic on 22 Apr 2020, 19:45:21
Didja try to restart your computer or delete the game and download it at Game jolt?
savage666 on 9 Feb 2020, 22:38:23
Hello everyone, I haven't played in a few years and want to start playing again. Any tips?
FCGaelic on 16 Apr 2020, 08:55:49
Start killing and getting xp or just talk to people and make friends!
chiron on 15 Dec 2019, 15:26:05
why i'm banned on this game i hate you so much i don't use speedhack and he is saying you are used speedhack WTffffffffffffffffffffffffffff it's a bug for your computer
Haiphong1103 on 27 Feb 2020, 09:42:42
Well, you're lying, shout here won't work :)
fellsans93 on 15 Dec 2019, 17:22:01
everyone in game that time saw you speedhack,so its no chance to get unbanned,shout at here won't work
RadiationGamer01 on 15 Dec 2019, 16:20:17
I even in discord sent you proof video about speed hacking because you didn't belive i had one and you even admited it.
MARTINELPLAYZ on 15 Nov 2019, 01:37:01
MARTINELPLAYZ on 15 Nov 2019, 01:36:51
can i be unbanned please? i havent even been able to SEE the newest version of Don't Forget
MARTINELPLAYZ on 15 Nov 2019, 01:48:18
also question. "im playing offline mode" Why does my character have a purple soul and not red?
fellsans93 on 19 Nov 2019, 15:01:29
we all have purple soul bc it just purple lol
MARTINELPLAYZ on 30 Nov 2019, 06:59:19
MARTINELPLAYZ on 15 Nov 2019, 01:42:22
i have changed my password since then and he has been punished already. i have been waiting for at least . . . . 4 months?
MARTINELPLAYZ on 15 Nov 2019, 01:41:23
i had been banned because my little cousin had been using my account to play don't forget and cheated.
fellsans93 on 19 Nov 2019, 15:19:54
your little cousin cheat,that's his fault,but you didn't protect your account safely,that's your fault.you created your own account,that means you must protect them.anyway,we cant know if it's you or your cousin,and only admins can decide who they want ban and unban,shout at here isn't useful.admins bans for preventing hacking,looks like you aren't able to come back,rip
FCGaelic on 16 Apr 2020, 08:57:49
True true
MARTINELPLAYZ on 30 Nov 2019, 07:16:12
ETale on 18 Sep 2020, 22:55:10
What you want cort in dont forget
fellsans93 on 30 Nov 2019, 15:28:54
that's even not a reason to beg unban dude
MARTINELPLAYZ on 15 Nov 2019, 03:36:02
T-T i . . .i just want to play.
RadiationGamer01 on 18 Nov 2019, 21:34:33
Then you shouldn't have let your cousin play with ur account because it's your account and your responsibility to keep it safe. Also eny kinda hacking is permanent ban so you won't get unbanned.
MARTINELPLAYZ on 30 Nov 2019, 07:08:33
Papyru87 on 12 Aug 2020, 15:17:25
No. Hacking is a permanent ban. Talking like 'PLSWQAGHFES UNBAN ME PLS I WONT DO IT AGAONSDXHGFSGHDFHGDC' won't help.
Amogus2290YT on 2 Feb 2025, 16:09:03
yo, can you please change my ingame nick to bepino pls
Amogus2290YT on 1 Feb 2025, 16:22:04
yo, can you change my nickname ingame to Bepino? (The acc is Amogus2290YT)
CN_SANS_1 on 15 Jan 2025, 09:14:30
frieny on 22 Dec 2024, 00:57:42
I’ve played this game for 3 years but I still don’t know how to get the photos of the SNAPSHOT mode. Who can help me with this?
SlackinOff on 4 Jan 2025, 22:43:22
Open C:\Users\(Name)\AppData\Local\DONTFORGET\screenshots - All photos taken with snapshot mode (and F11, if I recall the key correctly) go there.
frieny on 5 Jan 2025, 07:40:29
Thanks! By the way, do you still remember me?
D4nix on 22 Nov 2024, 03:24:53
I have a question, are you planning to implement PC-less verification at some point? I ask because many people don't have a PC and have to refrain from playing this game.
Solfacet on 13 Nov 2024, 23:13:35
How do I like.. Join a server on mobile.
SlackinOff on 16 Nov 2024, 10:46:41
Play Online --- > Join Official Server and then login. There are no other servers (community servers will be added in 2.8)
Note that you have to play atleast 2-3 hours on a PC before you can play on mobile, due to it being easier to cheat on mobile.
7amody72bruh on 5 Nov 2024, 06:51:25
I just recovered this gamemaker account after not using it for years, am I able to find my old DF password with it?
SlackinOff on 5 Nov 2024, 19:05:11
DF uses the same password as your gms account does, you should be able to login
CoolSigmaEnjoyer on 19 Oct 2024, 23:45:09
Please unban me
my account: CoolSigmaEnjoyer
FluffySnail82 on 25 Nov 2024, 11:39:01
for one,you dont need to list your user HERE
two,go to the gamejolt community and make an appeal in the channel Appeals
InPur on 28 Aug 2024, 14:02:21
How to become an admin? It's active 24/7 :D
secure on 21 Aug 2024, 23:50:23
I connected
Quang18839 on 27 Jul 2024, 10:15:02
Please, unban Quang18839
Quang18839 on 27 Jul 2024, 04:03:06
Please unban me because i don't do spam annoying or be toxic or swear, please unban me, please unban me , please unban me, please unban me, please unban me, please unban me.
NotNightmist on 8 Jul 2024, 19:16:57
i forgor
SlackinOff on 5 Nov 2024, 19:06:19
how could you forgor...
O236 on 14 Jun 2024, 10:14:52
How can I confirm my email?
Furbish_Flower on 27 May 2024, 07:48:49
this game is so nice :)
I love this game some much
I really really love this game
I can't believe this game exist
This game is my life
I love everyone
I love this game <3
frieny on 26 May 2024, 07:40:35
Okay, for some reasons, I have to quit the DFC game for several weeks. Thank you to my friends for accompanying me. Don't worry, the time won't be very long. I will return to DFC soon. If you want to talk to me, you can send me an email. My email is 1041391528@qq.com . That's all I said, goodbye.
frieny on 3 Jul 2024, 16:49:13
ToastyAnimations on 20 May 2024, 08:17:23
Hi, I've tried to login to my PC account on my Android.
It says my password is always wrong, but I type it in right every time. I even went to my PC and typed in the password and it worked then.
Is there any way that I could get some help or at least advice?
Sekhem on 14 May 2024, 05:58:16
I can't login???
Is the server down or is there something else going on
endrewscottdbz on 9 May 2024, 07:13:51
I've never seen Rosa123 again in Undertale don't forget since 2020.
frieny on 10 May 2024, 18:05:13
Lemme guess, Rosa123 was someone you met on DF and disappeared for some reason? well, a couple of times that happened to me, but I just gotta move on and "don't forget" them.
kinda cliché but cool B)
endrewscottdbz on 17 Dec 2024, 20:59:33
It worked, I met her again on May 15th after this post, that's it..
I had forgotten about this post and replied today.
frieny on 22 Dec 2024, 00:54:11
Congratulation! Wish everything will become better.
TuNguVL on 6 May 2024, 04:34:23
Um... I got a bug about logging in my account in game:
- I entered my username & password in login screen and the game idle until i press the ESC button on my keyboard, it's go back to login screen and can't play online.
frieny on 10 May 2024, 17:53:43
Umm...It's normal to everyone.If you press ESC,it will turn to the Menu.
So I think you can keep trying until the your account logs in.
Sometimes it's has to wait for a long time.But I know you can stay DETERMINATION,don't you think so?
Really-CHARA on 25 Apr 2024, 11:34:42
I cant use pc.
but i cant play this game.
frieny on 26 Apr 2024, 18:14:13
It needs to log in on the PC first.
If you need help,You can @ me on 1041391528@qq.com .
Aovpgamer0 on 8 Apr 2024, 18:23:42
Yo is the game updating now i didnt play it since 2022
dxpressedskittle on 27 Mar 2024, 21:15:24
Hey i forgot my password. is there any way i can change it?
Frisk1935 on 14 Mar 2024, 15:51:30
Please unban me i don't do cheat or spam my account Sonicg5
Kelpie on 28 Jan 2024, 06:01:57
BanSikenKoray1 on 26 Jan 2024, 20:08:06
Hello there Size,RickyG and admins of DF CONNECTED(aka Undertale Dontforget.)
My name is Koray.
THE FULL ONE IS "T4 - Koray"
RickyG (Topicstarter) on 27 Jan 2024, 17:00:15
Hello, I believe you are misunderstanding what happened with Freddmanuel. We did not just simply choose to remove his Tier 4 ban, that is not how our ban system works. Originally, his Tier 4 ban was given to him because of his involvement in a complex situation. However, after lengthy discussions took place, it was found that his ban was invalid. As a result, his Tier 4 ban was reversed.

For you, however, your situation is not complex, and you have done nothing but prove to everyone that your ban is entirely justified. Looking back at your ban history, it all started with a temporary Tier 1 ban, and it could have easily stopped there. But then, you chose to escalate your situation entirely on your own accord, with your repeated ban evasion. Even now, you continue to ban evade to do nothing but cause offense and disruption.

Your ban will not be removed, as you have not given us any reason to consider it. The unfortunate truth of the matter is that you did this to yourself.
areoxdii2024 on 6 Jan 2024, 00:24:48
hi how i verify i can't play online mode
Owen12345678910 on 14 Nov 2023, 21:39:53
Hey Ricky. Was just wondering if DF Connected will be not deleted because the Gamemaker devs say that the website is shutting down at the end of 2024
SlackinOff on 2 Mar 2024, 01:34:33
I know this is from November, but the "official" server would shutdown and the game would be completely community based to play.
pppjack250 on 10 Nov 2023, 17:14:18
I’m verified I think
erorrsand on 6 Nov 2023, 21:53:15
guys when i log in and type my password and username all of the right it tell me erorr please try again
YUSUF06 on 4 Nov 2023, 17:35:10
Yo i cant log into my account in game it says please try again. What do i do?
Nilko on 24 Oct 2023, 07:23:48
i changed my password cuz i forgot it but when i put in the new password it still said error
Chris-the-human-20 on 8 Oct 2023, 00:03:26
Can I join online on mobile I don't have a PC please I love this game
Christmas_Spooky_Zeg on 5 Oct 2023, 11:36:04
Any reason why I can't play the game? My game just freezes after I login on online mode.
Ducksify on 8 Sep 2023, 18:39:46
hey admins, can you guys tell the devs of the game to add a version for mac on gamejolt or if you can also edit the game, add the feature?
basically, i want to play multiplayer, but i cant cuz im on mac, so i try to play multiplayer on my samsung phone that is connected to android, but it says i need to verify on the computer version. thats why.
klon101 on 22 Aug 2023, 19:21:05
Greetings, I read on the wiki that if I wish to change my username I have to contact an administrator on here.
So, would it be possible to request a name change?
Ruosour on 30 Jul 2023, 14:22:43
I opened a new account on Dontforget and because the money sending system is troubled (20k gold is sent in 1 hour), I cheated. I got a hwid ban. I'm so sorry can you open my ban please? i love this game so much (This is the account I got the hwid ban: Ruosour)
MGL_J on 30 Jul 2023, 08:20:43
The programmers of the DF so that the need to put in the verification of the game use the pc to start the session from there and then be able to play from the cell phone? Do they even know that most of their players are Android? Why do you think there are fewer players in your game? This is not a criticism, just asking that they change the way you check the game. Thank you and pls heart this message for all the phone players

Message from: MGL
MGL_J on 30 Jul 2023, 08:17:34
The programmers of the DF so that the need to put in the verification of the game use the pc to start the session from there and then be able to play from the cell phone? Do they even know that most of their players are Android? Why do you think there are fewer players in your game? This is not a criticism, just asking that they change the way you check the game. Thank you
Message from: MGL
ismaildzpro on 16 Jul 2023, 18:17:49
i have an issue with login
esoij on 7 Jul 2023, 17:54:56
BiteAu on 11 Apr 2023, 19:11:12
My life suck i don't even have a PC o can't play with my friend
snxwtea on 22 Mar 2023, 14:30:06
hello , is this normal when i click login/register its doesnt work? its crash my games
snxwtea on 22 Mar 2023, 06:38:59
Hello, is this normal when i click login or register its crash?
M5tt on 19 Mar 2023, 21:27:51
I cant login on my account it doenst appear any mensage just resets the password entry i need help
Fazzybear on 16 Mar 2023, 21:42:13
I really would like to play this gam since it looks like a lot of fun, but it won't let me cause I need to verify on PC, when I don't have a PC.
M5tt on 10 Mar 2023, 17:22:15
I hate you guys now we need play on PC version to play mobile version???? What about these who DON'T HAVE PC LIKE ME YOUR MFS?? THE GAME WAS SO GOOD WHY U RUINED IT NOW HOW I'LL PLAY? TELL ME HOW I'LL PLAY YOU PIECE OF SHIT?!?!?!
M5tt on 10 Mar 2023, 17:22:13
I hate you guys now we need play on PC version to play mobile version???? What about these who DON'T HAVE PC LIKE ME YOUR MFS?? THE GAME WAS SO GOOD WHY U RUINED IT NOW HOW I'LL PLAY? TELL ME HOW I'LL PLAY YOU PIECE OF SHIT?!?!?!
Fatal_Error1 on 26 Feb 2023, 15:24:58
Hello, I Accidently Overwrited A Copy File Of My Main File On My Main File And I Cant Take It Back Anymore,
Can I Transfer My Copy File Of Main File To Another Account?

Like A Way To Take That Main File Back Becasue I Cant Use Somethings On Game Now OOf
10leoGames on 15 Feb 2023, 15:10:37
Gasterdad1221 on 4 Feb 2023, 19:03:50
How do you play online on mobile without verifying on pc?
HARDBRISK on 28 Jan 2023, 15:39:43
so i live in iran and i connot log in at any point, dose anyone or the owner have anyways?
Kaangldd on 26 Jan 2023, 22:41:44
im on mobile and i dont join the game pls help
Chris76Ian on 29 Jan 2023, 11:58:34
Dude, just use PC.
Asriel_Goat_Boy on 24 Jan 2023, 14:13:54
Good game! I like it!

that one undertale multtiplayer, that is really looking good.
all i want, is just game keep going good.
Yavuz34 on 14 Dec 2022, 16:57:53
RickyG why i cant play online im verifed my account but its game says me not verifed but why?
hadron27 on 9 Dec 2022, 23:49:20
Hello, I have a question that does NOT involve a ban appeal.
I have accidentally cloned my save file to another slot, and i cant figure out how to delete it.
I want to use that slot for a pacifist run. Please help!
niebieskib on 1 Dec 2022, 20:58:45
my friend has a problem that he wants to log in online but who crashes the game
SAMUELRIZZI on 13 Nov 2022, 19:22:21
Hunter67e on 15 Oct 2022, 08:10:19
Please fix the thing where i cant register on mobile
ACHRAF702 on 18 Sep 2022, 14:25:45
Can you remove the pc verify beacuse i don't have a pc and i can't play online like before and it's not ok for who doesn't have a pc they are expensive to but and my dad and my mom won't even buy me one and i have no money to buy it
TBMTBM on 10 Sep 2022, 12:01:31
HEY anybuddy can help me? I just banned in dont forget ?
DinoWattz on 14 Oct 2022, 18:03:07
I'm not part of the staff, but if your ban is "permanent" you can appeal it at:https://gamejolt.com/c/DF/appeals
I can't guarantee you'll get unbanned though. If you have banned for just some time, you'll have to just wait, trying to appeal a non permanent ban will make them tell you to wait as well
Good luck with that pal, you're welcome
Niko_pancake on 15 Aug 2022, 21:23:22
It says that my account isnt verified but i verified it
AsherCD on 3 Jul 2022, 22:52:06
Is there a way to fix it crashing when I try to login? When I press Login, it says "Connecting.." but after a few seconds, it would close.
gdfusdfdsafds on 27 May 2022, 23:45:13
hey, why was i banned for illegal name? what is wrong with my username?
Chris76Ian on 20 Apr 2022, 11:46:19
Hacker be like:
"PlS UnBaN mE I JuSt HaCk BuT ItS JuSt A TeST, PlS UnBaN mE So I CaN HaCK MoRe"
foamfish on 11 Apr 2022, 05:45:25
hi there
foamfish on 11 Apr 2022, 05:41:49
hi everyone
AMPsans on 26 Feb 2022, 11:15:01
Please unban me i don't do cheat or spam my account AMPsans
AMPsans on 26 Feb 2022, 10:42:21
unban my accoanet
AMPsans on 26 Feb 2022, 10:41:13
pls unban my acconent
POSHYBITS on 23 Feb 2022, 11:10:42
Why did my account get banned? I just created it, it says I cheated but I just made I didnt even get to go in, anyone know how to fix this???
katthecat1212 on 18 Feb 2022, 05:47:11
hello yall
changeable002 on 1 Feb 2022, 09:10:33
How to change the username in this game?
katthecat1212 on 18 Feb 2022, 05:48:42
to my knolage you cant
changeable002 on 1 Feb 2022, 09:07:42
Does anyone knows how to change the name in this game?
katthecat1212 on 18 Feb 2022, 05:48:58
to my knolage you cant
CoolConquest on 21 Dec 2021, 03:09:48
"pleasax ubnan me for haickng am diedonr do anythang pleis ubnan me so i can joine de gaem an hack moar pleasax pleas plexx"

-Every DFC Hacker Ever
BAMKdaPlayer on 20 Dec 2021, 13:35:29
This game is cool but, when i hit a regular attack when i fight a random monster, i lose automatically and i get angry tho. Can you fix this bug?
Hallowed-ink2003 on 19 Dec 2021, 12:41:59
most of these ppl are banned cool
NateTinBust44 on 17 Dec 2021, 12:04:06
Excuse Me.
I'm Trying To Login To My Account But For Some Reason It Isn't Working.
If I Was Banned, How Long Was The Ban?

Thanks For Taking Your Time Reading This.
Yours Truely: NateTinBust44
HailGrasaPapus on 11 Dec 2021, 01:54:32
Please can I unban what I cheated was just a joke D: but can I unban :D? (my acount is HailGrasaPapus)
Haiphong1103 on 11 Dec 2021, 09:11:11
cheating can be resulted in a "T3" ban or "T4" ban. if it's a T3, u can appeal it, but if its a T4, well you can't simply "appeal" and "rejoin" the game back just to cheat again. ask rickyg, not me, im not an admin.
nifzy on 10 Dec 2021, 14:04:38
come on wait for 273 years its not that much
Haiphong1103 on 11 Dec 2021, 09:12:08
yea go and play other games, there's no hope for you
nifzy on 9 Dec 2021, 16:37:05
i like replying to air
GamerXOFC on 7 Dec 2021, 18:24:52
hi this game is very fun i have 22 lv in it thanks :)
Haiphong1103 on 7 Dec 2021, 04:14:04
hElP mE iM bAnNeD fRoM dFc FoR nO rEaSoN aT aLl

ok i get it if u got banned but dont post ur appeals at this page post it at gamejolt

ok and please stop begging for unban if u got a T4 ban like stop doing that go play other game if u got that kind of ban
Pyr0kinesis on 19 Nov 2021, 10:54:48
Hey there! It's me Pyr0 (otherwise known as the 'so cool' guy) and I just wanted to apologize for spamming 'so cool' so frequently. I have been banned for my actions, and I honestly had it coming. Anyways I hope you can all forgive me and I promise to not spam when I am unbanned. :)
HenryYTIndo on 16 Nov 2021, 09:48:22
so cool game
Pyr0kinesis on 19 Nov 2021, 10:57:34
yes very, just dont spam it like i did haha.
Garland_Dreemurr on 16 Nov 2021, 01:42:20
Why do monsters always block my attacks?
Haiphong1103 on 7 Dec 2021, 04:05:44
its the game mechanics, when a monster have a higher level, they can block ur attacks, hope u understand-
sunny_111 on 14 Nov 2021, 23:30:32
i'm quite inexperienced with working with files and whatnot. i've tried to extract the game files, but i am unsure how to launch the game. can someone please assist me?
Haiphong1103 on 7 Dec 2021, 04:06:39
its ur choice to either extract or not, but i recommend not to extract them.
Rothes on 6 Nov 2021, 06:46:26
Where's the server located?
Size43 (Administrator) on 23 Nov 2021, 15:45:24
The server is located in Nuremberg, Germany.
katthecat1212 on 18 Feb 2022, 05:51:05
in germany. woah
amrs on 29 Oct 2021, 15:46:52
i like the game
Centhran on 17 Oct 2021, 03:08:37
I'm currently stuck waiting in the login screen in the Android port of the game, it's not loading. Either the Android port is having problems or it's just me. If it's just me, then I need assistance on this situation
Haiphong1103 on 7 Dec 2021, 04:07:51
it should be loaded, if it doesnt, its either ur connection or the server is full
SkEleTonNumber1 on 30 Sep 2021, 11:14:43
It is Super Game I love undertale online always want play
beanosrealrealbeanosjaberman on 25 Sep 2021, 22:54:37
Can someone help me, I'd like to transfer data from this account to another account because of the username and email. The account I want to transfer the data to is called "jaberjabs"
Haiphong1103 on 7 Dec 2021, 04:08:42
u cant transfer data to another account lol. u have to restart back to square 0 lol
V3r4 on 22 Sep 2021, 03:05:08
Hii, hope everyone is having a swell morning/ afternoon/ evening. Make sure to hydrate and be kind to yourself, every now and then! ^_^
erorrsand on 21 Sep 2021, 13:33:06
hi friend :DDDD
erorrsand on 21 Sep 2021, 13:33:05
hi friend :DDDD
erorrsand on 21 Sep 2021, 13:31:28
hi :D
Michiko on 15 Sep 2021, 19:06:19
Help! I'm unable to log in Don't Forget!
I downloaded the newest version (2.6.0) today and was playing for a bit before the server shut down. It's been minutes after that, and I'm still unable to log back in.
Please help!
AngelChara on 24 Aug 2021, 11:23:02
I played RicksterCraft half a day.But after I submit my score and quit I saw I was kicked and my score isn't on the Leaderboar.My score is 12849 and I have screenshot.Can anyone help me? QAQ
AngelChara on 24 Aug 2021, 11:04:33
I played RicksterCraft today.But after I submit score and quit I didn't see my score on the Leaderboard.My score is 12849 and I have screenshot.It took me half a day to play this game.Can anyone help me? QAQ
Haiphong1103 on 7 Dec 2021, 04:09:18
its ur connection or ur banned
Disbelieffan on 10 Aug 2021, 20:25:45
somebody give me game ID lol
BullyBones on 7 Aug 2021, 15:58:09
We might have to take a moment to appreciate the fact that the Moderation Team here has to reply to these Ban Appeal comments.
IhyaDodID on 4 Aug 2021, 18:05:34
Please fixing bug chat
xmexmehx on 27 Jul 2021, 21:51:17
I have an account with an email and I forgot what the account's name is, can I check it?
Size43 (Administrator) on 9 Aug 2021, 14:43:13
Please use the recovery options here:https://gamemakerserver.com/en/accountrecovery/
LennyTale9999 on 21 Jul 2021, 17:40:31
helo dis gaem is GUD !
isaiahFranklin on 2 Jul 2021, 22:47:21
Hi. I would like to change my account name. Is there any way I could do that?
Jolliu on 27 Jun 2021, 22:17:16
Hi. I want to know which joystick or game controler works for this game?
TRASHDEADWP on 4 Jun 2021, 03:29:35
l am sorry for spamming l am sorry please unban me here is why it would be bored without friends or people and still l will have to play offline mode so please unban me l am so so sorry
HEKTOR on 27 May 2021, 22:47:48
hello dear admin

i was in a chat with my friends then suddenly the game drop me out when i tried to get online again it says
i'm banned listen i don't want to get unban if there is a reason to it.
but please tell me what was the reason that i get banned and how long it takes?

the account name that gets banned is "1NOVA".

thank you so much
HEKTOR on 27 May 2021, 22:50:01
sorry the account name is "1NOVA1" that's the correct one
StrikeSlash on 28 May 2021, 04:27:30
You're banned for saying a slur and its for 7 days
kincatUwU on 19 Apr 2021, 19:31:44
the update looks great so i so cool!
xyropine on 15 Apr 2021, 10:34:46
why did i get banned what did i do and why can't i make another account and play it again
ErrorSansDeSkeleton on 10 Apr 2021, 21:40:01
The new design looks awesome, but when I log in and type in my password, the screen just freezes. I can go back, but I can't continue.
StrayCat on 2 Apr 2021, 00:35:32
Hi, I've been really enjoying DF; it has such a great and fun community and the gameplay is equally as fun. I have kind of a big request in seeing if we can try and submit our own custom (or ripped) sprites into the game?

I know it's kind of a lot to ask, but it would be cool to have your own unique-esque sprite for yourself. That's not to say the sprite selection is lackluster, it's very much lucrative, I just keep going back to the whole unique sprite structure.

Anyways, I'm sure you've considered it, but am interested in hearing what you have to say.
LightbluXwarrior on 14 Apr 2021, 21:51:29
Hi bro XD
Souleh on 22 Mar 2021, 15:10:22
( bruh moment )
IamNotNormal_tr on 12 Mar 2021, 15:16:19
i love this game but i did not anything and im now banned >:
IamNotNormal_tr on 12 Mar 2021, 15:14:55
i did not anything and now im banned .<
PixelPower_the_Skeleton on 26 Feb 2021, 07:58:41
This is a really awesome game! Especially with online mode! Keep it up, don't forget team!
chara355276 on 16 Feb 2021, 07:27:56
I'm spamed in local chat,and I'm been banned in Feb.15,17:35.
plz give me one more chance,plz...forgive me...
me account is chara355276,plz help me.
LegendaryWaffle360 on 1 Feb 2021, 17:17:21
Yes Hello Mods Or RickyG I want to say can I be unbanned I have been unfairly unbanned since I did nothing or I dont know what I did so if I did something wrong please tell me or if I did not do anything please unban me
bekefece on 14 Jan 2021, 15:59:36
Afk bug
Altrix2 on 6 Jan 2021, 11:24:22
hi i was banned for spam and i want to know something i am banned for how much time

my acount Altrix
lkt19326 on 30 Dec 2020, 11:20:47
umm...I wanna say, why I got banded? It said my username was illegal... but there is no wrong with my name. how can it unban?
samiasrielfan on 29 Dec 2020, 13:53:37
RickyG Could you pls unban me because my game was bugging and i was faster i didnt know why and now im ban and if not could you pls let me do a new account
SeriouslyDrunk on 20 Dec 2020, 08:16:53
one thing, how do we know how many s[ares we have, and does the spare counting stop if you reach LV 2?
StrkSlash on 21 Dec 2020, 07:36:53
Spare counter will show up in the stats menu beside the gold. The spare counter will gone if you kill atleast one. You can't get the spare counter again once you've killed one monster
Purple007 on 15 Dec 2020, 10:49:23
Is there only one df connected server?
dragonknight22 on 12 Dec 2020, 16:37:58
Why im banned? Im dont do hacks or spam please un ban me dragonknight22
C0rrupt10n on 5 Dec 2020, 19:11:19
eMACHO720 on 29 Nov 2020, 07:33:11
They are fools if we are here it is because we broke the rules and we do not deserve to return (but utmv bans for a limited time not as df which is permanent apart, utmv is better)
jonathancoloma367 on 19 Nov 2020, 00:48:39
please unban me I got a tier 3 ban for insulting everyone in grillbys
StrikeSlash on 14 Nov 2020, 11:50:49
ZeOldSport on 8 Nov 2020, 17:09:07
Hello I have been banned for some reason
'T3- 2 alts on at the same time
I don't know why because I don't have an alt account
Shadic3464 on 8 Nov 2020, 02:24:12
Hi im shadic3464 (yeah im sayin' my name)
And i really like DF, its really fun to play
But... Im playing on mobile now nothin' wrong here except ONE thing PVP. When i play PvP sometimes the game just crashes... And i really don't know why
Im just like: ._ . <(ok). It kinda sucks tbh.
I like PvP but its annoying when the game just crashes and idk if its because its the mobile ver.
Or something? But if you can with all of my Heart Please fix this.
Zevrox on 4 Nov 2020, 15:57:46
am I take permanent ban can anyone help?
64R1M on 3 Nov 2020, 08:50:02
Please im sorry
64R1M on 3 Nov 2020, 08:47:18
Please unban me
GabriToad9576 on 2 Nov 2020, 20:36:40
Hi there
Zevrox on 2 Nov 2020, 16:37:56
unban be pls i didn't make any hack or swearing or racism i have 1184 mins gameplay time
Darqnife on 4 Nov 2020, 14:46:45
Zev yasiyosan bisey yaz
Zevrox on 2 Nov 2020, 08:06:18
unban me pls i wasn't make swear or racism and I wasn't use any hack
Zevrox on 1 Nov 2020, 20:53:30
if i spammed at local chat i am sorry just pls unban me
Zevrox on 1 Nov 2020, 20:50:35
I don't know why i take a ban i was doing rp
Zevrox on 1 Nov 2020, 20:49:33
I wasn't use any hack i have 1180 mins gameplay time
Zevrox on 1 Nov 2020, 20:48:27
Unban me pls i was just doing rp
Papyru87 on 31 Oct 2020, 14:13:49
Tier 1 offences: Disrespectful/hateful messages (harassment, insults, etc), Advertising, ignoring Admin Authority and Spamming.
Tier 2 offences: NSFW and vulgar messages (example, sex jokes.), Speed-hacking, using an Auto-Clicker, using an exploit, and encouraging the exploit.
Tier 3 offences: Stat/Game manipulation, getting a Tier 1 or Tier 2 ban multiple times, and breaking multiple rules.
Tier 4 offences: Impersonation of any important person in the community, parodies are allowed, but don't act like if you are an alt of any important person.
Using malicious programs, predatory behavior. Malicious activity, breaking any rules after getting a ban after being unbanned due to a Tier 3 ban, using a public/shared account that many people use, and ban evasion of and kind.
Papyru87 on 31 Oct 2020, 14:11:55
If you appeal, make a appeal that isn't along the lines of: "PLS UNBAN I DID NOTHING WRONG PLS".
A mature appeal that has the feel of actual regret can increase the chance of your appeal being accepted and be able to play the game. It also depends on the type of tier the ban is.
There are 4 tiers:
Tier 1 bans are 1 week long, Tier 2 are a month long, Tier 3 are permabans but they can be appealed, and Tier 4 bans are permabans and cannot be appealed.
StrikeSlash on 31 Oct 2020, 16:22:01
Also appealing here wont do anything because they only accept appeals from DF's gamejolt community page.
tanman201121YT on 6 May 2021, 17:06:38
or the discord
Elraen on 30 Oct 2020, 19:29:39
heya sanes
Zevrox on 30 Oct 2020, 18:56:43
Can anyone say why am I banned?
Zevrox on 30 Oct 2020, 18:41:43
Why am I banned? I don't use any swearing. I'm just done roleplays with my friends.
I'm sorry if I did something wrong.
I want my ban removed
sebastiano9 on 30 Oct 2020, 15:17:21
the game is very hard unban me pls
sebastiano9 on 30 Oct 2020, 15:16:21
pls unban me
SkipLimeGameMaker on 29 Oct 2020, 12:12:41
unban me please my level is 11 and my name is skiplime
alantale on 17 Oct 2020, 16:24:16
Hey was I banned for what reason?
12321mi on 16 Oct 2020, 15:04:26
I was forbidden, but I did nothing
jermynotnow on 14 Oct 2020, 19:34:13
hi i have banned in this day but im dont do it anything my user name is (almiforce) please help me i love this game very very please undertale multiverse not cool undertale dont forget is cool please help
HunterBoy344 on 6 Oct 2020, 20:38:37
Seems like I was banned...

Well, I suppose that's what i get for posting "&*&HF*&H*#&$HFIJHFKSHDKJ&^^&&*Jjhjhf9h8392*H" in the chat 12 times
HunterBoy344 on 6 Oct 2020, 11:55:12
small suggestion: instead of banning spammers for 7 days, maybe introduce a chat slowmode?
EsatAy on 2 Oct 2020, 14:32:33
Please open my ban, all I did was a little spam pleaseeeee... pleaseee name:EsatAy
EsatAy on 2 Oct 2020, 14:28:50
EsatAy name please pleasee remove my ban
DuskNecrozma on 30 Sep 2020, 20:09:01
it says i was banned for a week in august but it's not september, so i'm wondering when i'll be unbanned Username: DuskNecrozma
NicolasMar on 26 Sep 2020, 23:48:10
ok i understand that you wont unban me but i really sorry for cheating....
NicolasMar on 27 Sep 2020, 00:04:23
and i eliminated the cheat
NicolasMar on 8 Oct 2020, 14:33:00
i hate my life
FoxDaymos on 26 Sep 2020, 22:56:50
please unban me, I did not violate anything, I did not spam, did not use cheats, they just gave a ban, please remove the ban, I will be grateful.
fellsans93 on 24 Sep 2020, 16:11:44
jesus all i see in this page is ppl asking for unban
HunterBoy344 on 3 Oct 2020, 18:42:12
same lol
EnesStarTR on 24 Sep 2020, 00:29:47
dabdisansy21 hacke/cheater

cheat : not hit tools

pls ban him
fellsans93 on 24 Sep 2020, 16:07:00
you need to show evidences to admins such as screenshots or videos to prove it.
EnesStarTR on 24 Sep 2020, 00:17:09
daboisansy21 hacker pls ban the hacker
EnesStarTR on 23 Sep 2020, 23:59:19
hack user report

hacker : MasterkillPxd

pls ban for MasterkillPxd s account
fellsans93 on 22 Nov 2020, 14:43:34
pls post evidence in df discord server
jonathancoloma367 on 20 Sep 2020, 03:36:08
When I gonna get unbanned it's been 1 week since my first ban in DF Online ....
ETale on 18 Sep 2020, 21:56:52
Ok look i know what I did was wrong but im kind of confused. Cause smol friended me and I just need answers. (smol is one of the people from the problem) Ok
Im just confused. . .
Cristoper_6555 on 16 Sep 2020, 10:07:38
Size43 help me
Size43 (Administrator) on 16 Sep 2020, 21:39:00
This is your first and last warning: stop spamming.
Cristoper_6555 on 16 Sep 2020, 10:07:16
Cristoper_6555 on 16 Sep 2020, 10:07:03
Help mee
Cristoper_6555 on 16 Sep 2020, 09:59:46
Size43 help me im on banned i don't do cheat or scamming my account Cristoper_6455
Cristoper_6555 on 16 Sep 2020, 09:58:02
Help please unban my 2 account
Cristoper_6555 on 16 Sep 2020, 09:52:47
Unban me
Cristoper_6555 on 16 Sep 2020, 07:53:00
Please unhan i don't use cheat or scamming please unban my 2 account Cristoper_6455 and Cristoper_6355
RadiationGamer01 on 16 Sep 2020, 09:51:50
Hello, you were banned for using 2 accounts same time in game. If you wish to appeal for unban go tohttps://gamejolt.com/c/DF-kacbkb/appeals To appeal for unban.
Cristoper_6555 on 16 Sep 2020, 07:50:18
Unhan me and i not use cheat or scamming please my 2 account Cristoper_6355 and Cristoper_6455
jonathancoloma367 on 13 Sep 2020, 08:22:21
Dear Admins...
So I was getting Banned in DF Online for dumb reasons... Well the reason why I was getting banned is to saying "OwO" repeatedly to annoy everyone in Grillby's. Then there's a guy who's trying to stop me, so I pvp him until I get banned. So I restarted the game until I realized I was banned. So Admins if you reading this that I was Apologize for my stupidity. I just wanna tell you when I was getting unbanned... It's fine if you don't unban me, So I just want to quit Multiplayer forever. I'm tired of this game so I rather want to quit Multiplayer

Sorry I sensed too much replies so I can't delete it lol...
RadiationGamer01 on 13 Sep 2020, 18:28:23
Hello, your ban will expire in 7 days.
jonathancoloma367 on 13 Sep 2020, 04:54:40
umm... I probably know the reason I was banned... because I annoy everyone in grillbys by saying OwO and there's a person who tried to stop me... So i PVP him... when I fought him... I thought he was AFK... so I wait until I flee from this battle... I Restarted this game... I tried to login until I realized I was banned... I Apologize for getting banned for stupid reason... I was freaking dumb though... So when I was getting unbanned???
jonathancoloma367 on 13 Sep 2020, 04:45:32
when I was getting unbanned from DF Online...
jonathancoloma367 on 13 Sep 2020, 04:42:44
Can you tell me the reason why I was banned? And can I get unbanned? I Apologize for getting banned for no reason....
jonathancoloma367 on 13 Sep 2020, 04:26:43
Do I need to quit DF Online Forever....
jonathancoloma367 on 13 Sep 2020, 04:24:51
Is there anyway to unban me??
jonathancoloma367 on 13 Sep 2020, 04:19:20
I was getting banned help...
DJRalsei on 12 Sep 2020, 20:10:45
can i get unbanned sorry for what i did dearly i dont care if i have to start all over but please unban me
igrastr on 12 Sep 2020, 18:49:53
me infinity downloud
ErrorSansDeSkeleton on 12 Sep 2020, 17:43:56
Well, one time the game told me I was banned and I couldn't play for some days but then it got to normal I think it's because I kinda spammed sorry for that I just wanted to see how easy I can get banned I don't repeat that mistake anymore yes I was stupid enough to do it And the game is one of the best it would be cool if they added ulb phase 3 vessel
Foxyed on 10 Sep 2020, 20:35:57
I kinda want a Mandarina vessel, perhaps unlocked thru Pacifist with Mandarina fight?
bob_the_barryio on 10 Sep 2020, 14:40:41
Dear everyone in (don't forget) I'm sorry
I got banned even tho I just was joking
Sorry for everything and please unban me
[I got banned for saying the n word...]
I promise to everyone that I won't say it again
Thanks for reading and please unban me
-by bob_the_barryio

-to everyone
HunterBoy344 on 3 Oct 2020, 17:54:17
Uhh, racial slurs don't DESERVE an unban. I don't care that you claim to be sorry, and I doubt the admins will either; what you did was plainly racist.
dinotea on 8 Sep 2020, 09:30:18
Hello, I've been banned. This is my first time being banned, so could someone please tell me how to handle this?(if possible), If I have to contact an admin or the developer, please tell me where to contact them. I'd like to know how many days I've been banned and why I was banned to go further with the game without making my mistake again(if possible). Thank you

Kind Regards
jonathancoloma367 on 13 Sep 2020, 04:47:33
heya dinotea I was banned from DF...
HunterBoy344 on 3 Oct 2020, 17:56:04
stop appealing for your unban everywhere on this forum. if you have a permanent ban, then you did something you definitely shouldn't have. if you don't have a permanent ban, then you'll probably be fine in a week or so.
dinotea on 8 Sep 2020, 08:04:50
Hello, I’ve been banned. Anyone know if I should contact an admin or anyone, if so could you please let me know where to. I don’t know why I’ve been banned, or how many days I’ll be, doesn’t matter nether the less, I’d really appreciate if someone contacted me about it ;) thank you.

Kind Regards
dinotea on 8 Sep 2020, 09:38:31
I didn't see this one so I posted again to make sure I actually posted, sorry
chiron on 2 Sep 2020, 16:37:04
i finally can play tha game by using vpn even multiplayer classic i hope i won't get banned again i'm just playing the game without breaking a rule so i hope i'm not going to be banned again
chiron on 2 Sep 2020, 16:38:57
i can't edit my comment hmpfh
DuskNecrozma on 29 Aug 2020, 17:00:15
am i unbanned yet?

it's been well over a week
InkosTwo on 29 Aug 2020, 05:46:30
u can be unbanned too.

wait for a month

or years
DuskNecrozma on 27 Aug 2020, 01:04:35
How many days until i am unbanned?

just want to know because i was banned for a week
332y on 20 Aug 2020, 07:02:41
Thanks for unbanning me Serns!I'm glad they have a support team on Game Jolt to talk to!
332y on 19 Aug 2020, 22:52:52
If I was banned because of my name being "332y" Its not just random numbers, there is a "y" at the end, & before that stupid rule, I wasn't banned, that is unfair, I also want a simple easy name to remember, I didn't just waste weeks to be a Lv.20, please I want to play more & stay Lv.20 & grind more, I was having so much fun?..
chiron on 17 Sep 2020, 17:21:13
wait a sec did you just got banned because that you have a stupid name they also banned me 99999 days use vpn or play the game in other device and then use vpn it works
332y on 19 Aug 2020, 22:33:38
Hey, I was banned on Undertale: Don't Forget, Idk why I was playing on Mobile instead of my PC & then I disconnected, is there a glitch or something on mobile that gets you banned?
barisoyur00 on 18 Aug 2020, 16:34:33
hey I am not crime unban me and how many day ban?
chiron on 17 Sep 2020, 17:21:46
theibis on 17 Aug 2020, 14:08:27
Hey Boss Please Lift My Ban On The Game .
12321mi on 16 Aug 2020, 10:46:43
Why is my account banned and I didn't do anything
12321mi on 16 Aug 2020, 10:42:25
Why is my account banned? I didn't do anything.
dz_rached on 14 Aug 2020, 20:18:48
hey admin can you unband me i do evrything to tell me
and i today i developer so plz unband me =3
KareemNasr on 11 Aug 2020, 13:24:27
Hi I got banned for no reason.. Here's what happened... I was bored in PVP no one was fighting so I decided to make another account on my Android and me and my brother started pvping each other until we got banned... That's all I can remember Please read my comment
chiron on 17 Sep 2020, 17:22:27
same for me i just got banned because askin so much for pvp
Bbuddy on 10 Aug 2020, 13:30:24
can someone tell me why im banned?
XavierDharmawan1234 on 9 Aug 2020, 19:23:52
Hola buenas, no es para quitarme el baneo ni nada pero una pregunta? cuanto puede durar mi baneo muchas gracias por tu atencion o por su atencion
KindnesS458 on 8 Aug 2020, 11:58:50
Hello, My 10 year-old daughter's account has been banned. We don't know why?
Could you please tell us the reason and unban her. My poor daughter is crying now.
Please help. Account name is KindnesS458
KindnesS458 on 8 Aug 2020, 11:53:56
Hello, My 10 year-old daughter's account has been banned. We don't know why?
Could you please tell us the reason and unban her. My poor daughter is crying now.
Please help.
Cursed_pearl on 8 Aug 2020, 11:00:14
hello i was ban from the game but I don't no wy i wos band so plz tell me
OthertaleAsriel on 6 Aug 2020, 07:33:29
hello i made a mistake and i wanan know if i can to get the unban to my account or something else, loock i know if i have bann is because i cheat or somenting, and i really regret for doing that, i really love that game and for be curious in what can i do and what i can not i get the bann i really regret that i erease the hack and i dont care if my progress will lost or someting i juts wanan a second chance, please i really sorry for mess your game i know you have a lot of this tipe of message and more sure you dont wanan unban me, welp i can to try,
i mean the only thing what can i do is juts talk so i juts can say i really sorry for do that and please unban me i will never do that again.

post:im sorry if is to much text
HunterBoy344 on 3 Oct 2020, 18:08:44
You hack, you get banned for life. Pretty simple rule, right? It's right there at the very beginning of the rules, where everyone can see. Guess what? You broke it anyway. Personally, I don't care how sorry you are. You know what you did, and no amount of apologies can reverse your actions.
XavierDharmawan1234 on 9 Aug 2020, 19:25:57
perdon no debi escribir eso
XavierDharmawan1234 on 9 Aug 2020, 19:16:00
oye hola no se quien eres no se si eres un amigo mio o algo haci si eres de dont forget o no se pero lo que se esque a mi tambien me banearon de dont forget, no te preocupes quiza no es por trucos mira aquel dia me puse en contacto con los admins y me dijeron que el baneo va por una semana
h2o_white_boy on 5 Aug 2020, 16:19:32
I just want to ask if there's any way I can get unbanned from the game if not I can completely understand I also want to know the reason why I was banned
VietCongPlus on 5 Aug 2020, 14:54:11
I got banned and don't know what happened.Please help.
VietCongPlus on 5 Aug 2020, 15:00:02
someone let me know why i got banned please :(
stewart2 on 5 Aug 2020, 04:37:33
sorry i forgot to put my account name its stewart but still why am i banned and how long?
stewart2 on 5 Aug 2020, 04:30:25
i don't know what i did wrong but i did get banned i just wanna know how long? if permanent i'm sorry and i won't try to play the game.
stewart2 on 7 Aug 2020, 04:13:17
for i have made a new post cuz it was not showing up :P
stewart2 on 7 Aug 2020, 04:12:37
how do i delete this post???
chiron on 17 Sep 2020, 17:23:22
sadly you can't
SansTechlegendary1981 on 5 Aug 2020, 02:49:57
theres a player called someboop i was playing as asriel then he said Hi Ass-real and he call asgore Ass-gore and toriel Toilet like Duh hes a person who dont care about what people call him and called me ass-real
SSAsriel99 on 4 Aug 2020, 13:39:27
I am sorry.But how to delete an account?
please can you tell me?
GobliinTears on 2 Aug 2020, 20:42:18
KGBSEG whoa I was scrolling through a lot of these replies and a lot of them is just people asking to be unbanned. Not sure if thats what this is for but jshdgbsg. Anyways thank you RickyG and anyone who helped them, for creating this game. This game gives me a lot serotonin.
UnderchannelYTB on 2 Aug 2020, 18:01:46
Can you please unban me? I did spam and i got banned from spamming i guess idk the reason exactly.And can you tell me how many day i must wait? Game Name: Underchannel
SansTechlegendary1981 on 2 Aug 2020, 04:45:05
Hi Guys Can Someone Tell me How Much Long Im Banned Pls Unban me pls im so so sorry look and didnt get the hateful langauge rule i didnt know what its about if i know i would not going to do it again Please..oh and plus i was playing with flowey charcter so i must be rude okay
XavierDharmawan1234 on 9 Aug 2020, 19:17:37
hola a mi tambien me banearon y pues si es tu primera vez solo es una semana
QuantumWormhole on 29 Jul 2020, 06:28:57
May I please be unbanned? I was using cheat engine on a game I made, and I guess when I tried to open Don't Forget, the game thought I was hacking it. Cheat engine is removed. So, may I please be unbanned? I will never hack.
Papyismuchbetter on 26 Jul 2020, 04:58:51
Is there a special thing that happened if you spare like a lot like how your able to talk to sans in the hall with level 99
KingTrPro983 on 25 Jul 2020, 14:53:49
ok don't remove my ban, just find out how much i ban but I'm afraid that my friend's friend who I quarreled was admin and he told me 9999 days
KingTrPro983 on 25 Jul 2020, 14:32:16
please unban me i im dont hackeri i im normal person pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee
KingTrPro983 on 25 Jul 2020, 14:29:00
Please Unban me my accont name:KingTrPro983 please i love yur game
josh_harrison on 25 Jul 2020, 02:55:56
i set my account up for Undernte but my friends names arent purple. and if you need to look at my account to fix it just let me know and i can tell you my password. My account name is: JoshTheH
Size43 (Administrator) on 26 Jul 2020, 16:30:58
Can't help with your question, but I just want to point out: Never share your password with anyone! Nobody will ever need to see your password except you, and if anyone says otherwise they're lying.
josh_harrison on 25 Jul 2020, 02:52:21
10/10 game IGN, but there should be a Controller configuration option.
KnowingDumbfartface on 18 Jul 2020, 04:11:41
this game is pretty good
IbrahimTR on 17 Jul 2020, 19:00:23
Hesab?m? neden banlad?n?z? Hiçbir?ey yapmad?m ve ayr?ca 3 gün boyunca oynayam?yorum. Nedenini aç?klarsan?z çok sevinirim lütfen? :(
NightmareModeSans on 17 Jul 2020, 12:49:08
In PVP i can't see my own attacks. I use Ink!Sans.
Astell501 on 16 Jul 2020, 11:56:47
hello I have a problem with saving the game won't let me save sometimes
teranofarr on 14 Jul 2020, 19:52:22
cool game
AlexwuGamer07 on 13 Jul 2020, 15:31:14
There are a lot of people and I can't move faster
EgeGoksel206 on 12 Jul 2020, 16:05:29
Please tell me why I was banned and how many days I was banned
SaltsansYT on 10 Jul 2020, 19:35:16
Hello am new I was playing don't forget and I wanted to play online but when I typed in my things it went on a endless loop of loadings can somebody help me with this thank you and have a great day
stewart2 on 7 Aug 2020, 04:16:53
close your game and open it again. this happens when your internet goes down :P
QuilavaBros on 10 Jul 2020, 02:09:58
please help
QuilavaBros on 10 Jul 2020, 01:56:02
Hello, I would like to know the reason for my ban the name of my account is QuilavaBros and how long is the ban?
fellsans93 on 21 Jul 2020, 11:58:39
you were banned for NSFW for 30 days from jul 9th
QuilavaBros on 10 Jul 2020, 01:52:05
Hello, I would like to know the reason for my ban the name of my account is QuilavaBros
FCGaelic on 7 Jul 2020, 18:07:38
Matei221009 on 5 Jul 2020, 13:14:10
plz unban me i was spamming in the local chat with some players and sorry with the swears, ill never do that again, and how many days did i get banned for? is it permanent?
fellsans93 on 21 Jul 2020, 12:01:07
you were banned for NSFW roleplay,duration is 30 days from jul. 2nd
Matei221009 on 2 Jul 2020, 13:19:09
please unban me i was spamming in the chat and i will never do that again i promise
BinkyBoop on 30 Jun 2020, 17:37:31
Oh boi all my hopes are going away.
BinkyBoop on 30 Jun 2020, 17:34:48
Anapal on 28 Jun 2020, 07:51:18
haxor reply
GOLDKING123321 on 27 Jun 2020, 19:23:40
Please unban me
StrikeSlash on 28 Jun 2020, 07:59:58
You are banned permanently, reason : breaking multiple rules in succession knowingly
GOLDKING123321 on 27 Jun 2020, 19:22:54
Unban me pls
Illumina on 23 Jun 2020, 12:06:48
Devs tell me why im banned! I dont understand.
RadiationGamer01 on 24 Jun 2020, 19:39:10
Hello, you have been banned for saying racial slurs.
Ban is 7 days.
Illumina on 23 Jun 2020, 12:05:49
Devs please tell me why my account is banned!
disabledperson on 21 Jun 2020, 19:02:03
hello, i was banned and i'm not gonna lie, i deserved it. can someone tell me how long is the ban? username: disabledperson
RadiationGamer01 on 22 Jun 2020, 00:08:48
Hello, you were banned for harassing players. You're ban is 5 days.
chiron on 1 Jul 2020, 14:54:32
Stop it! enough of banning everyone for no reason
HunterBoy344 on 3 Oct 2020, 18:12:54
He LITERALLY said he deserved it. He wasn't trying to appeal his ban, he was asking how long it was. Just because you got banned doesn't mean admins are banning people for "no reason."
Papyru87 on 12 Aug 2020, 15:19:41
If you break a rule and if caught by a admin, you will get banned. Sorry, it's how it is.
AndreiJosee47357 on 1 Jul 2020, 17:56:18
chiron on 20 Jun 2020, 20:48:49
this message is from @Lynx so its not my message its his message he says:Did you ban me because you thought I was abusing the game, or did you ban me because you couldn't really take the criticism?
xxAutismxx on 20 Jun 2020, 17:35:27
Does it count as ruining gameplay experience if I show people secrets (e.g master quest, gaster doors)?
stewart2 on 7 Aug 2020, 04:19:15
i just asked for help and ppl showed me
StrikeSlash on 20 Jun 2020, 20:29:09
Depend on the player, if they want to get spoiled or not.
SugaasesinoxD on 18 Jun 2020, 22:25:12
hi ...... my account was banned and I deserved it ...... I regret what I did and I will not do it again ...... can you tell me how long I was banned? I will not ask for desban since I deserved it too much but I just want to know for how long I will not be able to enter my account :(

my name in game is: SugaasesinoxD

I hope the world forgives me and I have a little pity since I loved the game and I do not want to take long to play it and make friends and thank you for making such a wonderful game
KingTrPro983 on 25 Jul 2020, 14:43:34
SORRY, both of us were banned endlessly :( If we were banned for 7 days, he would write next to that post
SENPAIIII on 16 Jun 2020, 14:26:49
is swearing allowoed? there tons of people swearing so you guys should censored it if they said a swear word
GalaxyGamer12317 on 10 Jun 2020, 13:45:22
Ricky, i need help.. someone hacked into my account and then i got banned. Can you please help me. I got banned for no reason from Don't Forget. please help me
Username: GalaxyGamer12317
Twolw3r on 5 Jun 2020, 21:10:04
Can someone help me i've been banned for no reason i didn't broke any rules...

someone help me please ;v;
fellsans93 on 21 Jul 2020, 12:06:01
you were banned for cheating,duration is absolute permanent
GalaxyGamer12317 on 10 Jun 2020, 13:43:43
same :(
MARTINELPLAYZ on 5 Jun 2020, 02:35:06
ZETHIANT on 8 Oct 2020, 06:19:55
i feel really bad about this, because they're only just gonna say no :/
stewart2 on 7 Aug 2020, 04:21:10
wtf happend here?
RadiationGamer01 on 5 Jun 2020, 13:31:42
I am sorry but you're ban is permanent. Cheating any kind leads to permanent ban.
MARTINELPLAYZ on 6 Jun 2020, 02:44:30
Papyru87 on 12 Aug 2020, 15:20:32
Permanent ban means permanent ban.
SENPAIIII on 4 Jun 2020, 17:15:39
banned yabb he is so disgusting he swears a lot and take it to far from me
fellsans93 on 4 Jun 2020, 17:19:57
You need proofs to prove that,also i suggest you report it in df discord server.
SENPAIIII on 4 Jun 2020, 17:27:44
whats the discord server then how do i find it
fellsans93 on 4 Jun 2020, 17:29:54
It's on his gj page
AndreiJosee47357 on 4 Jun 2020, 17:11:41
when is anti-"plsunbanme" plugin gonna be featured
SENPAIIII on 4 Jun 2020, 17:11:34
i dont care if I get banned a guy name yabb take it to far
stewart2 on 7 Aug 2020, 04:22:42
go on yt he has a yt account take it up with he's 100k+ subs
AndreiJosee47357 on 4 Jun 2020, 16:50:58
omae wa
dustbeliefrtg on 3 Jun 2020, 16:15:38
i cant login or register.it takes forever._.
SENPAIIII on 2 Jun 2020, 12:10:01
ummmm guys i have been waiting for 3 days to be unbanned and im still banned is it beacuse im ip banned?
SENPAIIII on 2 Jun 2020, 05:56:45
ummm guys its been 3 days and im still banned
ahmedcraftX on 1 Jun 2020, 23:59:54
pleas help me
pleas give me one more chance
pleas forgive me
pleas pleas pleas
HunterBoy344 on 3 Oct 2020, 18:20:44
you're just a dirty hacker, aren't you? yeah, get outta here.
ahmedcraftX on 1 Jun 2020, 23:54:29
i'm enjoyed in this game but i can't to do any thing
WarioWalugju on 1 Jun 2020, 19:14:32
plz unban me(((
SENPAIIII on 1 Jun 2020, 19:17:34
WarioWalugju on 1 Jun 2020, 19:20:08
...I just did not answer and in General I want to know when and why I was banned... and Yes, don't use CAPS accidentally;).
SENPAIIII on 1 Jun 2020, 19:22:54
ok bro bye now
WarioWalugju on 1 Jun 2020, 19:24:46
SENPAIIII on 1 Jun 2020, 16:12:52
plz someone tell how i get banned and what did i break the rules
RadiationGamer01 on 1 Jun 2020, 19:03:00
Hello, you were banned for spamming in local chat, ban is 3 days.
WarioWalugju on 1 Jun 2020, 19:13:24
Unban me please(
SENPAIIII on 1 Jun 2020, 19:05:47
SENPAIIII on 1 Jun 2020, 19:07:11
oof i mess up saying ????
SENPAIIII on 1 Jun 2020, 16:10:39
also what did i do to get banned can someone tell me
SENPAIIII on 1 Jun 2020, 16:10:03
also what day will i be unbanned?
nyankoru on 30 May 2020, 09:16:02
Today is the day I get unbanned, although when I tried to log back in, it still says I'm banned.
Do I have to wait a certain time?
Nix001Bendy on 30 May 2020, 06:40:18
Hey guy's
HunterBoy344 on 3 Oct 2020, 18:23:17
HunterBoy344 on 3 Oct 2020, 18:23:59
whoops those were unicode characters not question marks

sorry about that
turbozik on 29 May 2020, 00:18:43
I did not enter the game for 1 month. Today I tried to enter, but they told me that they banned me, for what? And how do I remove the ban?
RadiationGamer01 on 29 May 2020, 14:30:00
Hello, you were banned for speedhacking, you're ban is permanent.
turbozik on 30 May 2020, 01:37:41
This is the worst thing that happened to me after vacation!
WarioWalugju on 28 May 2020, 16:35:19
why was I banned and how long
gilao52 on 26 May 2020, 10:18:53
uhh guys? the game crashes when i start. this is hapening to others to so please , fix this
gilao52 on 26 May 2020, 10:48:41
its already the fifth time HELP
Hellstone on 9 Jul 2020, 00:56:09
Try to reinstall the game from Game Jolt? I dunno bro ;)
IVIPOWER on 26 May 2020, 09:52:23
i see an error of conection mesage when i run the online mode, can someone help?
fellsans93 on 26 May 2020, 12:04:00
Check your wifi first,if everything is right but you can't login,then go to RickyG's discord server and explain the issue you are having.
IVIPOWER on 26 May 2020, 09:31:20
RickyG can u put a vessel of disbelief paps?
could be cool
FrennyDreamer on 26 May 2020, 05:03:46
I'm not able to enter the game, always the connection lost what do I do ?? :(
IVIPOWER on 26 May 2020, 09:45:18
i have the same problem :v
hope they repair it
Danielcz55 on 26 May 2020, 14:28:46
hey are you doing still homeworks
HunterDufaultYT on 26 May 2020, 03:33:36
can someone tell me how long i was banned my username is HunterDufaultYT
HunterDufaultYT on 25 May 2020, 21:12:36
please can you tell me how long im going to be banned for?
RadiationGamer01 on 25 May 2020, 21:24:12
Hello, you were banned for spamming in local chat. Ban duration is 3 days.
HunterDufaultYT on 25 May 2020, 20:54:50
quick question i got banned for "coughing" on people and my question is how long is the ban
supanigam90 on 12 Jun 2020, 19:18:46
Sorry if I was late, but you spammmed. The ban is 3-7 days, i'm not an admin, so i don't determine how long you are banned.
WALTENLOL on 25 May 2020, 12:13:34
Please see my account unbanned because I did absolutely nothing to get banned so please ask the developers to unban me or I will have to criticize the game for banning doing absolutely nothing
RadiationGamer01 on 25 May 2020, 16:11:02
Hello, you were banned for speedhacking and ban is permanent.
Bbuddy on 24 May 2020, 21:36:50
can someone help me? the update message is still appearing and i have the 2.4.0 update
it doesnt let me log in
fellsans93 on 25 May 2020, 12:26:16
df has updated to 2.4.1,if your df folder doesnt have a “b” after it then that means your df version is not current version
Bbuddy on 25 May 2020, 13:16:49
ok thx
Soy12 on 24 May 2020, 15:37:32
hey i got banned when i was playing ffa with my friend and idk why
RadiationGamer01 on 24 May 2020, 23:07:15
Hello, you were banned for stat hacking.
Soy12 on 25 May 2020, 02:35:21
hmm... then when the ban stop?
RadiationGamer01 on 25 May 2020, 11:45:58
You're ban is permanent. Hacking results to permanent ban.
Soy12 on 25 May 2020, 12:35:42
but why they didn't do a warning ? :(
fellsans93 on 25 May 2020, 12:47:28
You didn't read the rules at the beginning,that's your fault.
Soy12 on 25 May 2020, 13:17:28
:(((((( how do i unban myself?
fellsans93 on 25 May 2020, 15:09:39
You can't unban yourself
Soy12 on 25 May 2020, 17:07:29
i don't mean this !

i mean i want to have another chance ...
fellsans93 on 25 May 2020, 17:12:36
You don't have another chance.
Soy12 on 26 May 2020, 15:52:18
this sucks
HunterBoy344 on 3 Oct 2020, 18:25:50
maybe you should have read the rules before messing with the game
IVIPOWER on 23 May 2020, 16:39:13
can u put a mark on the profile of ppl that has discord?
AndreiJosee47357 on 4 Jun 2020, 17:12:57
how exactly
RenTH on 22 May 2020, 21:01:22
My account was blocked.
I want to know for what reason and for how long the block will last ?
RadiationGamer01 on 22 May 2020, 23:04:05
Hello, you have been banned for spamming. Ban time is 4 days.
Kayak321 on 19 May 2020, 17:24:14
not sure exactly why i was banned? was it for the double attack in pvp? if so that was an accident I honestly didn't know that I could do that. if that was the reason was it a permanent ban? or only a temporary ban
Kayak321 on 19 May 2020, 18:21:04
wait wait nvm i see the problem see y'all in a month
Kayak321 on 19 May 2020, 18:14:28
and why does alpha toriel's fire attack always close the game
Kayak321 on 19 May 2020, 17:28:34
and does attempting to make another account make the ban longer?
WarioWalugju on 19 May 2020, 08:34:18
unban my account in the game
Misha_Finn on 17 May 2020, 18:13:00
Hello, uh i wanna report about 1 guy who was Swearing, Cheating and also made my game crash. His nickname was Kristemp15 i think. Can you please do something about him? Because i don't like when somebody crashes my game TWICE in a row.
fellsans93 on 19 May 2020, 13:03:00
Join df discord server and report it,you cant prove without evidences that Kristemp15 is hacking.
nikooneshot on 17 May 2020, 04:01:24
Excuse me developers, I have a complaint for this game so apparently just earlier my friend “Nyankoru” got banned for spamming yet a developer warned them and she took the warning and quit yet she still got banned even after the warning so why is she banned after the warning?
nikooneshot on 17 May 2020, 04:10:55
Also I have a request for this game please add rules in the game on like a sign saying read this for rules so everyone knows there boundaries you don’t have to but it’s a request.
nyankoru on 16 May 2020, 22:51:36

I'm here to ask for how much time I'll be banned, I was spamming the chat...which was stupid of me.
I'm so sorry for doing so, and I'm also sorry for bothering you!
I just want to know when I'll be unbanned, if that is possible.

Thank you.
RadiationGamer01 on 16 May 2020, 23:08:14
Hello, nyankoru you are banned for 14 days.
WarioWalugju on 17 May 2020, 05:45:56
hi I know that writing 3 times is stupid but still for what I was banned and when they unban me
nyankoru on 16 May 2020, 23:09:18
Understood, thank you for answering my question.
WarioWalugju on 16 May 2020, 05:58:30
Hi again I just want to ask why I was banned and for how long
GreenStarFox on 14 May 2020, 18:30:31
Whenever I try to log in, it just closes the game out. Is there any way to fix this?
WarioWalugju on 13 May 2020, 06:31:19
Hello what kind of business is happening all for some reason perebanili what is the problem? what is the reason for the ban?
RadiationGamer01 on 13 May 2020, 11:21:02
Some people getting permanent ban because they breaking rules.
WarioWalugju on 13 May 2020, 11:48:41
Yes, well, what did I break and how banned am I
fellsans93 on 13 May 2020, 12:38:30
whats your acc,if you tell it then we can tell u the reason
WarioWalugju on 13 May 2020, 14:11:01
"WarioWalugju" my account tell me the reasons and unban me or not
ahmedmohamed on 11 May 2020, 13:49:03
plese inban me i miss my frinds they only pley Don't Forget if i did someting wong im rully soory ????
RadiationGamer01 on 11 May 2020, 14:09:47
You have been perm banned for ban evasion. Sadly you won't be unbanned.
ahmedmohamed on 12 May 2020, 11:46:01
plese Answer me
Size43 (Administrator) on 12 May 2020, 11:48:07
Please reduce the rate at which you are posting messages.
ahmedmohamed on 12 May 2020, 13:01:41
if i did someting bad give me one more Chance pls
ahmedmohamed on 12 May 2020, 12:59:10
ok pls if you admin plese plese can inban can you pls
fellsans93 on 13 May 2020, 12:43:10
u dont have second chance,go away and dont imagine that
ahmedmohamed on 12 May 2020, 11:44:48
why you thenk im evasion and you not even sure
HunterBoy344 on 3 Oct 2020, 18:28:35
Believe me, we know about your two alt accounts. Get outta here, you dirty hacker.
ahmedmohamed on 12 May 2020, 02:40:24
plese im not evasion im say the ture I swear of god
ahmedmohamed on 12 May 2020, 01:21:55
are you admin??
fellsans93 on 13 May 2020, 12:52:21
if you play df carefully then u can found that ricky has already written all of df's admin in game
ahmedmohamed on 12 May 2020, 00:20:31
who me?
AndreiJosee47357 on 9 May 2020, 11:48:01
(?°?°?? ? ??? ?( ?-??)
theshyone33 on 8 May 2020, 07:24:14
i know u guys are probley mad at me but i want to say some thing about how my account is banned now i know your gonna say its hacking or something i am not really sre what it was but let me explant that it was not me or someone i know who did that bc a long time ago i was on a messge and i didnt realiz what it was so my google account got hacked i guess i thoght i fixed it by doing like amost everything i can about it but when i was in going to the bathroom aka when i think it happened bc i didnt have it open at the time and i seen a text from google saying someone signed in in the uk a think it saud so i got done fast and whent to check on the computer it was werd bc everything els was fine it was only the game that was telling me i got banned so i know this sounds like i am making it up but i am not bc i did save the user the password on google bc i like to do that a lot... and then that happened i guess idk what happned or how it happened but u can help me find out what he/she did thx so much for helping
GreenStarFox on 4 May 2020, 05:31:52
Uh when i try to login, it says connecting, then closes me out of the game
fellsans93 on 13 May 2020, 12:46:40
maybe thats your game file problem,try to redownload df or check your connection
Bbuddy on 2 May 2020, 14:56:09
can someone help me?
i cant enter into my account of DF, idk if im banned or not .
and if im banned, idk what i did to get banned, i didnt do anything wrong i guess
Bbuddy on 2 May 2020, 15:02:05
lol i think it was a glitch, now i can enter
Size43 (Administrator) on 2 May 2020, 15:02:02
The server just crashed -- you should be able to login again now.
GreenStarFox on 4 May 2020, 05:37:16
Im not able to login either. It just closes the game out
Bbuddy on 2 May 2020, 15:02:48
oh k thx
gilao52 on 30 Apr 2020, 13:37:02
i discover a glitch.
when alpha toriel hit me with a fire ball the game close himself.
and its always hapning!
chiron on 29 Apr 2020, 13:31:52
, vpn works s
e43 but im commenting for this why did you forgot to unban me on your gamemaker cause you said im banned for 3 months you said you will unban my account on 17.03.2020 but you forget ):
chiron on 29 Apr 2020, 13:50:37
chiron on 29 Apr 2020, 14:35:57
you know that right i can play every game using gamemaker account but in this version 2.3 of the game it says banned and i can comment because i have vpn so please unban me on your discord server or please unban me in this game you know that YOU SA?D IM BANNED UNT?L 17.03.2020 R?GHT???
and if you banned me for saying f**k word to you,you are wrong i said this word to radiation gamer please unban my ?P and unban me on your classic version and unban me in this game ok please see this comment
if you ban me for 999 days i will say something you banned me for speedhacking right and you know that i didn't read the rules and when i hacked i just speedhacked for testing i promise that i will NEVER HACK ?N MY L?FE and i promise i will just hacked for 2 or 3 mins and im never hacked again im never hacked on my life after you banned me just for speedhacking for 2 mins PLEASE DONT SAY ?TS SPAM OR DONT DELETE TH?S COMMENT JUST PLEASE DONT
fellsans93 on 2 May 2020, 15:01:44
promising and all other ways won't help get your account (dont forget account) back.
Size43 (Administrator) on 29 Apr 2020, 15:22:15
You're unbanned from GameMaker Server, but it looks like you were banned permanently from Don't Forget. So you can play other GameMaker Server games but not Don't Forget.
chiron on 1 May 2020, 18:30:13
but what about undertale classic multiplayer?
RadiationGamer01 on 2 May 2020, 13:10:43
If you mean Don't Forget classic then no you can't. Because you have been banned from ALL RickyG games that are online. You can still play offline versions but not online.
SENPAIIII on 3 Jun 2020, 05:24:17
hey i was banned 3 days and i was waiting 3 days and im stilll banned
gilao52 on 26 Apr 2020, 17:24:06
my game glitched and i can't login.
it glitched in the password, it says two times to put the passwor but at the second time it dont let me write anything.
please help!
gilao52 on 26 Apr 2020, 17:25:11
oh, and if i close the game and reopen it the glitch stays.
Hedgehog4211 on 26 Apr 2020, 09:00:36
I didn't do anything and I got ban :<.
I just went to special mode and then I got kick, after that, I got ban.
So can I ask why am I getting ban?
Please answer, I just made some new friends too :(
Hedgehog4211 on 27 Apr 2020, 01:53:54
I get unban today :D
SadSpade4679 on 23 Apr 2020, 00:08:35
And the servers full
IRatherChangeName on 22 Apr 2020, 18:51:33
I have a question, why cant i see my comment even though i log out?
fellsans93 on 23 Apr 2020, 03:09:22
reopen your web page
gilao52 on 20 Apr 2020, 14:25:44
so, i was playing don't forget and i quit the game, and when i came back it said my account had been banned. I didn’t use hacks in the game and didn’t break the rules, so I’d like to know what happened to me being banned. I really like the game, that's why I would like to know what happened.
gilao52 on 20 Apr 2020, 14:27:09
sorry, I put the message twice
gilao52 on 20 Apr 2020, 14:24:54
so, i was playing don't forget and i quit the game, and when i came back it said my account had been banned. I didn’t use hacks in the game and didn’t break the rules, so I’d like to know what happened to me being banned. I really like the game, that's why I would like to know what happened.
RadiationGamer01 on 22 Apr 2020, 12:13:26
You are banned for 3 days for showing off an exploit.
gilao52 on 26 May 2020, 10:21:20
i tink not
gilao52 on 26 May 2020, 10:21:42
the ban mesage werent there
gilao52 on 26 May 2020, 10:21:58
it was the game crash mesage
gilao52 on 26 May 2020, 10:23:43
it says:
Conection lost
and its the fifth time that this hapen
gilao52 on 26 May 2020, 10:24:22
uh sorry wrong mesage
Shade2020 on 17 Apr 2020, 11:56:12
Hi, I'm Charlotte White, but in Don't Forget my name is Harukaze2020, please, I wish I could have my account back, it's the only thing that amuses me after returning from work, I know I cheated and I regret it, I can't even create myself a new account, I tried and I could not even log in because I had already been banned, I can no longer play online, I can only play the offline version, but I am alone, I cannot make friends or enter pvp with someone else, please , I beg you, if there is any chance of recovering my account it would be great, I promise not to do anything stupid like that again, please ..
Jolliu on 3 Jun 2020, 02:39:14
For me, this game is the only thing that amuses me after returning from work too.. That's a life... but you got banned.. I hope you find nice new hobby a blight future..
FCGaelic on 17 Apr 2020, 18:45:08
I don't have friends but I don't care
also you would've known that you would've been banned for hacking
fellsans93 on 17 Apr 2020, 12:42:47
- Harukaze2020 for stat hacking like a baby.
Duration: Permanent.
you cant get your account back.
Shade2020 on 18 Apr 2020, 07:16:40
Recovering my account does not matter so much, I just want to play online with a new account, but when I create a new one, I immediately get banned
Shade2020 on 18 Apr 2020, 07:15:16
Well, I understand, but I can't even create a new account to play fair this time? I tried to create an account and it was banned right away, I couldn't even start it, and my other Shade2020 account was banned too
fellsans93 on 18 Apr 2020, 17:30:26
if one of your acc if banned,all of your acc will be banned
FCGaelic on 16 Apr 2020, 09:54:28
AndreiJosee47357 on 4 Jun 2020, 17:20:57
congrats, do more
FCGaelic on 16 Apr 2020, 09:12:41
HunterBoy344 on 3 Oct 2020, 18:32:34
hi :)
NicolasMar on 11 Apr 2020, 23:40:59
i got banned and i didn't done anything bad
NicolasMar on 12 Apr 2020, 17:25:57
i want to play the game
RadiationGamer01 on 14 Apr 2020, 00:06:57
You were banned for speed hacking and ban is permanently.
FCGaelic on 16 Apr 2020, 09:01:03
I don't even know how to hack and i just want to say... WHY ARE PEOPLE EVEN HACKING!?
also i like ro play games noice OwO i like DON'T FORGET and we hope for you to enjoy it instead of cheating cause that ruins the whole game
NicolasMar on 16 Apr 2020, 14:33:12
i wasn't hacking for LOVE it was just that i used speedhack
fellsans93 on 16 Apr 2020, 17:27:24
speedhack is also count as hack,the punishment to speedhacker is banning for 9999days,rip
EnderPro360 on 11 Apr 2020, 19:55:37
Holy moly the server is overloaded with OVER 170 PLAYERS?!?!
fellsans93 on 13 Apr 2020, 05:10:57
we even had over 300 players online,df is popular now
GAMINGTT5 on 11 Apr 2020, 17:20:56
I can't log in on the game
NakanoMiku on 27 Mar 2020, 19:25:36
RadiationGamer01 on 27 Apr 2020, 12:28:26
If you cheated ban is permanent and won't be removed.
FCGaelic on 23 Apr 2020, 03:21:24
Hmm... if your name ends or starts with Miku then you did deserved to be banned (and also for hacking) >:c I hate miku's
fellsans93 on 29 Mar 2020, 17:52:06
thats permanent ban bc you have already ruined other ppl's game experience,and also,your toxic behaviour make the rate of being unbanned became negative,we are very happy to lose a player who doesnt read the rules and hack.
energycat49 on 25 Mar 2020, 20:21:53
ican't register.
Mazhu1 on 24 Feb 2020, 10:03:48
How to register? I reallt want to play on multiplayer, but I can't.
hadron27 on 14 Feb 2020, 01:23:35
SIZE43, Could you please help me? Don't forget wont let me login, And i know my password and username but it says "log in with an account" or somthing along those lines. im getting really annoyed and bored with the game now
Size43 (Administrator) on 25 Feb 2020, 19:42:51
Apologies for the delay. Can you please run the connectiontest and post a screenshot/copy of the output it gives you?
javiersonic7 on 8 Dec 2019, 03:42:30
I. WANT. TO. PLAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Size43 (Administrator) on 8 Dec 2019, 13:10:41
Consider this your first and final warning: stop spamming.
NakanoMiku on 27 Mar 2020, 19:29:28
So how do i play the game again since i was BANNED???
fellsans93 on 29 Mar 2020, 17:53:45
dont you know what "banned" means
FCGaelic on 16 Apr 2020, 09:14:25
It means can't play and for what i just saw (in a comment) your can't play for 99999days
FCGaelic on 22 Apr 2020, 19:48:58
me wrong me was dummo it was 9999Days (me stupid, me gonna o go to Mexico cya amigo's
javiersonic7 on 8 Dec 2019, 03:28:13
please let me loggin ricky_G i will do anything
FCGaelic on 22 Apr 2020, 19:50:18

Go get me 9999pizza's plz
(I like pizza 0w0)
ALE_X on 30 Nov 2019, 10:18:34
:/ i cant login too
swappapyrus99 on 1 Oct 2019, 18:50:55
a werid bugs happened to me is i can't check undertale:don't forget [classic] replies but i can check this replies when i login this game,but i can check classic df replies when i log out(of course cannot send messages).when i try to check classic df again then it says:
"An error has occurred. Details of the error are below. Please contact the administrator if this problem persists.

Database error"

but i can check classic df replies with my alt acc(but not be verified)

what should i do?
Size43 (Administrator) on 6 Oct 2019, 14:33:31
This seems to be working correctly for me. Are you still experiencing this issue?
fellsans93 on 12 Oct 2019, 19:29:52
yep,this issue is still confusing me,but i can send msg before oct 1st,another weird thing happened to me was i used main acc to send msg but i just realized this is my alt acc
Size43 (Administrator) on 13 Oct 2019, 14:53:34
I'm having some trouble replicating this. For me it seems to work fine no matter what I do. I'll investigate.
fellsans93 on 19 Nov 2019, 15:21:04
thx for helping fixing
MARTINELPLAYZ on 16 Nov 2019, 00:57:23
fellsans93 on 19 Nov 2019, 15:46:44
you don't have enough certificates to prove that,if you really wanna see it then beg your friend to screenshot or screen share it,shout at here won't change your ban
NewFriskFan26 on 28 Sep 2019, 12:07:48
Heyy :) I was wondering if you can unban me on this version of the game since I did nothing on it but still got banned... If that actually happens then thanks.
RadiationGamer01 on 28 Sep 2019, 21:19:59
If you did got banned on Don't Forget Classic that means you will be also banned on here. So there is no hope getting unbanned.
UndertaleTrash23 on 24 Sep 2019, 05:03:42
PixelPower_the_Skeleton on 11 Mar 2021, 03:05:00
Lakomka on 22 Sep 2019, 15:12:11