This project has been abandoned as I have other projects to tend around. I apologize if this upsets anyone if they played this game before as it was my latest creation at the time when I was still using Game Maker 8 Pro and now I am using Game Maker Studio 2 for one of my games.
Replies (64)
Last message on 15 May 2016
15 May 2016, 00:40:10
Free Membership: activate_228-534-234-902-886
Log into the game and then click on the gear icon and click "Activate MEmbership Code" button then copy and paste the activation code above this reply.
14 May 2016, 23:17:09
I modified the download link, so now TWSI Online is now under website. :3 And plus i'm gonna continue to work on it sooner or later.
14 May 2016, 23:46:11
Also Beta Testing Access is now set to false. You will not be able to teleport since the game was tested and working I suppose. :) If you feel like beta testing should be enabled please tell me in the replies.
Keep up the great work amigo! This seems like a great game in concept and I can not wait for further development.
If you ever want help with map design / generation, I would LOVE to help (I will try to be less forceful this time I promise XD)
10 Dec 2015, 07:25:28
Thanks BTW I am planning to make it open source to those who want to participate through this project. Which of course will release some of the codes but I will explain this though...
~ The items ini codes are like a bit confusing since I had to fix them in order to load them in properly.
And which of course people are allowed to make some changes (A forum will be added for ideas and features that should be added to the game.)
you may of course help with map designs and generations and you may also throw in some ideas and features that should be definitely be added to the game. I love a good challange :D
24 Nov 2015, 04:22:46
I have decided to stop releasing membership codes for free (Getting tired so I am thinking of working more on the project on december 25th with more fixes and features as planned and will start releasing more codes later on. And a new game.... See how it will go this time.
I apologize for not releasing a free membership code I have been so worked up on this new project called TWSICommunity World (A game where players can be their own avatars by using an image within the network drives.) Anyways a code will be released tomorrow when I come home from school. I do sincerely apologize for the wait. :C
28 Sep 2015, 06:04:10
Free membership activation:
20 Sep 2015, 07:51:41
Another free membership code released:
Free Membership Code Without having the hasle to buy one which would bored you all to death so I released a code for you all to have fun. Remember Every Saturday new codes are released for you all.
14 Sep 2015, 23:10:56
At Wednesday I will be out for an appointment so messaging me won't help. Try messaging Forgeio if you need help.
12 Sep 2015, 22:38:53
A free membership activation code:
The game is in Games but not in Promoted games section. Weird I guess that is normal? Have fun my wolfies with this new released code. Codes are released every saturday.
Version 16 is updated with some added features and fixes.
~ Added the Group Pack Input in the login form. [Click on the check box to delete the ini and recheck it.]
~ Fixed the group issue so redownload the game and remake your groups.
~ Added the object for the group as you can't click it so it only initializes the important global variables for the group pack.
Sorry for the delay but I was busy so here is the free activation code.
I hope you all have fun with labor day as I am gonna work more on the game some time and a Impressive Title [Private]. I would love to spend more time on TWSI Online but I would have some work to do on it so don't expect me to be in the game ok :).
Another Free Activation Code:
31 Aug 2015, 06:22:22
Code has been deleted in the game ini activate_834-610-574-75-474
I will generate more later in a special day at 9/1/2015 [When my school starts.]
=] So don't worry all codes are kept just not special ones. Because they really have special numbers in them :3
31 Aug 2015, 08:21:58
Oh oops I deleted it oh well sorry about that though.
31 Aug 2015, 08:22:19
I will be sending one though so don't worry when I get on the game.
30 Aug 2015, 20:01:21
Later feature in v15
~ Adding ping bars to the screen with GUI displays and when hovering your mouse over to the player will display there current ping ms.
~ Adding Inventory GUI System instead of clicking the gear icon to drop items or pressing the number keys. The inventory will be much easier to handle.
~ Adding Extra improvements to the pack commands and adding pack status's.
~ Adding Health Bar GUI's and when the player press and holds down O key they can see other player's who are in the pack their status's.
~ Might be improving the inbox with a new GUI system.
~ Could be improving the login box where if you enter the username the password box will appear.
~ Improving the emotes which will prevent users from deleting other emotes when they change the emotes.
~ Planning on making a PvP Sector room for players that wanna battle each other.
~ Adding a function which does not allow a player to reach a OP health > maximum is going to be 100
And that might be all for now. I will inform the release.
31 Aug 2015, 06:20:28
Quickly added character remembering. :P so when you log in you don't have to type your character name in.
31 Aug 2015, 03:09:17
For some reason the updater will have to wait until I get it fixed in the mean time I added lots of cool features. Some of the things were added and some weren't as soon as size43 updates my description and link It will bring the updater with luck atleast maybe.
31 Aug 2015, 03:11:13
Oh wait a minute it might, I will try to do it myself when I completely do the test O_O
29 Aug 2015, 18:44:04
Free Activation Code:
1.) Download the game
2.) Register your account if you haven't done that otherwise login to the game.
3.) After upon entering the hub click the gear icon and click on "Activate Membership Code"
4.) Enter this code in the box below the text "activate_834-610-574-75-474"
5.) The save will commence in 30 second.
6.) Re-enter the game and relogin.
7.) Enjoy being a member for 3 months
Warning: This membership is a special code so get it before it is deleted from the game ini 11/30/2015 unless redeemed by a user. One user at a time can redeem the code.
28 Aug 2015, 20:01:43
~ Removed the roses with thorns [Due to being a copy of the original rose flower.]
~ Added gifts where only the person who is the receiver gets to open the gift wrap with items contained in it. [Press Delete key to create a gift box.]
~ Added disconnect box. When you get disconnect it will sometimes get buggy so I gotta fix that somehow but it gets you connected though.
~ Remade the wolf puppies in color.
~ Remade the enimey wolves to look meaner.
~ And many more I guess.
28 Aug 2015, 20:04:10
I also fixed it where if the code you enter is invalid a message would pop up saying that key doesn't exists.
I also added a quite a feature in the game is health bars, now your character displays a health bar making it easier to see your health.
27 Aug 2015, 19:09:54
~ Added emotes to the game [little buggy]
~ And many things...
~ Fixed bug issue where emotes that changed are now in their own player's perspective. Not the person's screen that constantly changes.
~ Changed the admin enimey menu to where only the person who created the enimey gets to do things with the enimey not anyone else.
22 Aug 2015, 20:50:58
Free Membership Code:
Activate this code by first logging in to the game after downloading and after you are in a small room click the gear icon and click "Activate code" or something like that and delete "activate_" and put "activate_165-0-657-107-297" But hurry up because these codes won't last long before anyone takes them. Once you have activated the code the code's value will be set to 1. which means it been activated.
23 Aug 2015, 02:02:32
I have quickly made a short updated on the player bugs. Hopefully I will get them to be able to switch to white instead of the login button sprite. Also made a tutorial where you can press buttons without saving INI's or anything.
Hi Gamewolfy! I hope to be the Graphic Designer soon!
21 Aug 2015, 00:54:19
You are my friend, of course you can make graphic designs.
21 Aug 2015, 00:00:44
Excuse me everyone but an alert on this page is telling me a new membership code is on the rise. Gotta sniff it out first XD. (Get it at saturday.)
18 Aug 2015, 08:43:14
Version 7 has been updated [All member keys have been deleted through INI.]
~ You can contact me by either [Small fee of 0.10] Or my really free email is but which ever you choose.
~ You must login to the game first.
~ Then after that logout to save all the INI files.
~ Then go into your email account and compose the message to these two emails to get your free instant activation code (May delay up to minutes or hours depending on what I am doing.)
Sorry for the inconvenience and hopefully people will have there membership back :)
18 Aug 2015, 19:44:16
[If you are still found using the old membership update I advise you all to update so the ini's containing the access_membership timer isn't the one that stops the timer when logged in. This helps make it so that the user can't keep membership all the time.
18 Aug 2015, 19:44:38
It will get deleted so please do update.
15 Aug 2015, 20:18:44
Congratulation Forgeio on redeeming the membership code. Remember everyone codes are generated every saturday so come by every saturday if your feeling lucky to be a member of TWSI Online.
Upcoming Update: [Updated]
~Also adding a trader wolf who trade items with bones.
15 Aug 2015, 09:22:29
Free Membership Code:
Upcoming Update:
~ Sending message on the ground so others can read it.
~ Adding Last Ping Report. (Complaints about lag is not necessary.)
~ Adding Main Menu Background.
~ Adding new item called "Diamond Gem"
If you are ever in need of help just send an email at or my skype username spyropro2013 :D
14 Aug 2015, 20:30:54
We just got our selves a game page background so it should be appearing in about an hour or a day as it is being moderated.
12 Aug 2015, 12:24:17
Congratulation chokoboy3 for redeeming a membership code, remember everyone memberships are available in a store or free wait every saturday on the game reply to redeem it inside the game. (We aren't wanting to make money or anything it's actually kinda fun testing membership. If I had money I would just donate it to size43 for his server you know keeping game maker server running because why not.) But I do enjoy everyone for helping me and I do appreciate it :).
how on earth do you make the whole membership thing? isn't it really hard? :P
13 Aug 2015, 09:05:36
No not at all, just gotta generate more codes by getting on the game as a admin. It is actually easy as by far just think of setting up all the ini files like HP for instance and then you can execute a code that will read it. It took me days to fix the bug issues with it before releasing the update. Plus it makes it fun when your a member :P.
Free Membership Code:
11 Aug 2015, 00:11:34
You must use these codes inside the game by logging in and by simple click on the gear Activate Code and enter this code.
Free Membership Codes are released every saturday.
I am going to release a update where you can enter a activation code for the earlier membership access features.
Free activation codes:
activate_459-461-874-625-344 - Released at 8/1/2015
These codes will continue to run as long as you are logged in. If you log out the countdown will stop.
I meant to say membership time that will run out if your logged in XD
28 Jul 2015, 10:08:12
The Membership allows a user to have more special items/commands including executing commands that are only available to them and Get free bones for each hour. More work must be done for membership in the meantime I will update all of your membership access and time for 2592000 seconds.
Membership will only run out if you login and play the game.
28 Jul 2015, 21:50:22
Membership only runs in time if you have logged in. Logging out saves your time spot after logging out.
whats the point of this game? I mean what is it going to be once its done?
Sorry if I haven't replied these days because of the busy things. But this game will be about survival once I have the enimeys and hunting grounds done. As soon as I get the sprites to be animated good although I haven't thought of animating as much since I get a little lazy on things. Also activation codes are free for every saturdays so as soon as I get the work done for more levels and danger zones too if I get to it. Thanks for the reply and if you got any questions or ideas please post them I would be happy to reply back to you.
~Gamewolf10 (Creator of TWSI Online)
Awesome! that sounds quite cool!
if you need help with graphics or music, things like that, I can help you! I'm fairly good at making graphics and can either find or make royalty free music :)
I love helping people, so just let me know anything you need! you can message me on my forum or right here
Hello, Forgeio
It would be great if you could help find some nice graphics for the game and some music. Look at your forums in the message if you did get it.
~Gamewolf10 (Creator of TWSI Online)
21 Jul 2015, 06:03:35
I have extended the promotion display in the developer 2x. :D
17 Jul 2015, 02:34:18
All INI files have been delete but not the ones from player ini files. You will still be a beta tester until the official release, note that after the release you will still have the functions of a beta tester.
17 Jul 2015, 02:52:40
Heh XD, I fixed the bug where the message kept repeating it self.
14 Jul 2015, 22:15:06
I have updated it to v1.0.0.2 where I have added a new MOTD in the game ini. Hope it brings luck to getting news from me or the admins. :)
14 Jul 2015, 22:17:01
Luckly I had a windows 7 professional and used the product key on my computer case, those things can get really handy if a product key is no longer available :D
12 Jul 2015, 07:22:37
The game is only a .exe but luckly with my game maker decompiler I am able to get my work done :)
The game won't have any updates because I lost the .gmk file, all because I planned to use linux on a different hard drive but ended up installing it on the C drive, so yeah I am stuck with linux for awhile :(
July 4th will be the update plan that I will be doing with big update notes :P
July 4th update will have fireworks, food sources, med kits will be fix properly and not to destroy it, fix the group to where the player stays in the rank when changed, and add group chatting.
Oh yeah and I will also add a swear prevention for group creating where it would say in the chat locally "Sorry you have tried to create a pack but the word you added was inappropriate which prevented you from creating that group."
I had to delay it for tomorrow.
27 Jun 2015, 22:31:35
Very mature you guys -_-, very mature.... I don't understand why but ok but that one decides to say bitch in his bio. Ok moving on then.
26 Jun 2015, 22:48:22
lol I meant to say in the description gms_self_admin_rights XD, also I just now started using it and it works a little. I was testing it but for some reason it just doesn't want to co-operate with Guest_banme as it would say Player not found to ban so idk what went wrong but anyways have fun as this game is still in developement. :P