action number 1
of Step Event0
for object obj_pause_menu:
Trying to read from undefined INI file
at gml_Script_get_controls
stack frame is
gml_Script_get_controls (line 0)
Whatever version you have is somewhat old. Contact me on discord, and I might be able to get you access to the game from steam (if you want to be a beta tester ;D )https://discord.gg/0oJUqy2aF6lHm1Sv
in the debug room I get this error:
action number 1
of Draw Event
for object obj_wall_invis:
Fatal Error: Can not create vertex buffer of size 98304 bytes
10062 vertex buffers allocated with total size of 965312 KB
at gml_Object_obj_wall_invis_Draw_0
awesome! cool game btw :D another thing I noticed, when you go to the place where you can buy houses, there's no way out...
you should make the different "elements" as races/classes and you choose them at the start of the game and then you cant change it, just a suggestion though :P
Also the elements are like classes which you will able to change at certain parts in the main game. So you will be stuck with it until a rest level comes where you will be able to switch.
I don't actually use steam, it lags a lot for some reason on my computer, but maybe I can just contact you here or if you have skype/email I can talk through one of those :)
I don't use skype too often. I do use curse every now and then but thats about it. I've created a forum and you could be the first to post!http://voidgames.freeforums.net/