Project Amaranth

Created by Aaron13ps



Hey all!

It's 2023 and GMS is shutting down. Feel free to contact me here:


Download: Project Amaranth

Forum / Website: Project Amaranth

Replies (19)

Last message on 2 Sep 2023

Aaron13ps (Topicstarter) on 2 Sep 2023, 17:53:15
Hey All! It's 2023

If you have interest in Project Amaranth, hit me up on Discord:
conanphamtuan on 23 Oct 2016, 18:41:57
Good game too! :D
conanphamtuan on 23 Oct 2016, 18:43:36
So large game!
Aaron13ps (Topicstarter) on 24 Oct 2016, 05:01:10
Oh! Thanks for reminding me that the link was still here. We are on steam now! :D
conanphamtuan on 24 Oct 2016, 13:01:02
I found a bug :3

action number 1
of Step Event0
for object obj_pause_menu:

Trying to read from undefined INI file
at gml_Script_get_controls
stack frame is
gml_Script_get_controls (line 0)
Aaron13ps (Topicstarter) on 24 Oct 2016, 15:21:56
Whatever version you have is somewhat old. Contact me on discord, and I might be able to get you access to the game from steam (if you want to be a beta tester ;D )
Forgeio on 25 Jun 2016, 23:29:09
I love the map editor, how do you delete blocks though?
Aaron13ps (Topicstarter) on 26 Jun 2016, 00:14:15
Currently it is R, Delete, or Backspace. This may be changed later, and for sure will be customization.
DJkid231 on 8 Jan 2016, 06:26:10
They grow up so fast. *Cries*
Aaron13ps (Topicstarter) on 10 Jan 2016, 16:03:51
Come back to meh......
Leo40Server on 21 Sep 2015, 15:22:54
The link is broken.
Aaron13ps (Topicstarter) on 7 Oct 2015, 22:07:39
Fixed it. Sorry for the late fix.
Forgeio on 9 Jul 2015, 20:06:43
in the debug room I get this error:
action number 1
of Draw Event
for object obj_wall_invis:

Fatal Error: Can not create vertex buffer of size 98304 bytes
10062 vertex buffers allocated with total size of 965312 KB
at gml_Object_obj_wall_invis_Draw_0
Aaron13ps (Topicstarter) on 9 Jul 2015, 20:54:18
Interesting. I have not looked at the Debug Room in awhile so Im sure some things in it are outdated. Ill go ahead and remove it from the menu.
Forgeio on 9 Jul 2015, 23:42:51
awesome! cool game btw :D another thing I noticed, when you go to the place where you can buy houses, there's no way out...
you should make the different "elements" as races/classes and you choose them at the start of the game and then you cant change it, just a suggestion though :P
Aaron13ps (Topicstarter) on 9 Jul 2015, 23:51:44
Also the elements are like classes which you will able to change at certain parts in the main game. So you will be stuck with it until a rest level comes where you will be able to switch.
Aaron13ps (Topicstarter) on 9 Jul 2015, 23:49:36
I always love sugestions, so thank you for yours! The shops was something I was recently working on and it should all be ok in the latest version.

Want to get in touch and have a bigger impact on the game? Friend me on steam: Aaron13ps
Forgeio on 10 Jul 2015, 06:38:10
I don't actually use steam, it lags a lot for some reason on my computer, but maybe I can just contact you here or if you have skype/email I can talk through one of those :)
Aaron13ps (Topicstarter) on 10 Jul 2015, 18:55:08
I don't use skype too often. I do use curse every now and then but thats about it. I've created a forum and you could be the first to post!