Updating issues (again)

Posted by AouabAdYT
Sorry i'm back again,

But now the progress is always at 0% it doesn't change.

I've seen earlier some people talking about HTTP and HTTPS download link , my direct download link is a google drive (so its https) , is it the reason?

If so, please help me finding a http direct download file hosting :/ I really need it !

Thanks :)

PS: If it's not the reason, here's my code:
//Step event

progress = gms_update_progress() * 100
image_speed = 0.6
if gms_update_isfinished()
    show_message("Update finished , the game will now restart to apply the update.")
//Draw event

draw_text(room_width/2,room_height*6/10,"Updating your game...#Progress " + string(progress) + "%..########If you encounter problems while updating your game , please visit : http://nighfallerlegends.cf/Issues/")

Replies (1)

Last message on 28 Mar 2018

Size43 (Administrator) on 28 Mar 2018, 19:16:54
Correct. The updater only works with HTTP links.

Last time I checked, heliohost.org still supported HTTPS so you could try hosting it there.