Unable to register & login in game maker server 1.8.5c

Posted by Savoxit
I ise game maker server version 1.8.5c and I make my game using extension GameMakerServer+(All), but the register and login screen isn't function afterall

but when I use extension GameMakerSever+(Windows) it works like a charm

Replies (3)

Last message on 30 May 2015

Size43 (Administrator) on 23 May 2015, 14:07:55
Please make sure you're calling gms_network in the networking event of the GMS object.
Savoxit (Topicstarter) on 28 May 2015, 18:21:46
I add the gms network like your instruction, but still I get that error
Size43 (Administrator) on 30 May 2015, 16:32:22
You didn't mention any error in your original post :). What does the error message say?