The future of GameMaker Server

This August marked the 10th anniversary of GameMaker Server. It has been amazing to see how far my project has come in those 10 years. What started as a barely-functional prototype running on a laptop via WiFi, has grown into a system that is used by tens of thousands of people all over the world every month.

As time went on, I had less and less time to spend on GameMaker Server. The rewrite that I started in 2015, and expected to have long finished by now, kept getting delayed and delayed. But I always expected to be able to finish it some day. Unfortunately it seems that I have run out of time.

Because of my new job I can no longer accept money for GameMaker Server, starting January 20. Now that money is out of the equation, some other things have become much clearer to me as well. The difference between a hobby and a job is that for hobbies you can do what you want, while for jobs you do what someone else wants. GameMaker Server was essentially (and still should be) a hobby. 10 years ago, I wanted to make MMOs. Since there was no good extension to do so, I made one myself. I made what I wanted. However, nowadays I have different interests. Building the rewrite is building something I no longer want to use. That's a job, not a hobby.

GameMaker Server never made enough money to be able to stand on its own. It survived because it was a hobby. On top of that, it has become a lot more complex to run online services with laws like the GDPR (which I do consider to be a good law, regardless) or the upcoming "Online Safety Bill" in the UK and similar initiatives in the EU. By now, GameMaker Server should be a small business, but doesn't make enough money to be one.

That said, the money I received has helped keep GameMaker Server alive for all these years. With help of many of you I've been able to pay for server hosting. If I had to cover those costs myself, I think I would have had to shut it down years ago.

The site and multiplayer servers will still remain online for now. I am committing to keeping GameMaker Server running until at least the end of 2023. I am hoping to keep running the service well beyond that, for as long as people are still using it and as long as I have the money to do so.

The rewrite, as I imagined it 5 years ago, isn't feasible anymore. Maybe I'll release some small parts, but there will not be a worthy successor to GameMaker Server. If I ever get a chance, I'd like to try and launch a small company and see how far I get. But it seems very unlikely that will ever happen.

I imagine some of you will be disappointed. I sure am. Sorry. This is not the way I wanted things to go. Unfortunately I see no other way forward.

To everyone who was here for (part of) the ride: Thank you! It has been amazing to see my project grow into something so big thanks to all of you. Some of you made great games, others spent hours (or sometimes more like thousands of hours) playing them. I'm glad you were all here.

- Size43

Replies (64)

Last message on 2 Jan 2024

TheRetroBoy on 26 Dec 2021, 11:05:51
i hope this keeps going because i've been having multiple multiplayer ideas recently. it was fun if it's not gonna stay
Size43 (Administrator) on 27 Dec 2021, 12:18:12
Not much will visibly change any time soon. I'll be doing less work behind the scenes, but GameMaker Server will keep on running for now.

The main difference is that you won't be able to pay for extra capacity, starting January 20. So if you're planning to make a commercial game, you should probably not use GameMaker Server anymore.
TheRetroBoy on 11 Jan 2022, 09:22:51
Also, will you be able to accept donations to keep GameMaker Server running? Just asking.
Size43 (Administrator) on 11 Jan 2022, 13:34:18
Starting January 20, I won't be able to accept any money for GameMaker Server. That includes donations. So no, unfortunately I won't be able to accept donations either.
Krizzy496 on 22 Dec 2021, 03:34:32
nothing last forever :(( so im guessing that i could only say
farewell around that time.,,..,, you will be missed..,.,
Krizzy496 on 28 Dec 2022, 16:16:25
why are you commenting like this i genuinely cringed when i saw you type like this
DinoWattz on 29 Dec 2022, 07:32:13
funny, somehow you managed to find your past self in the game maker server website
Aouab on 31 Mar 2022, 10:23:38
Hello Size43, please reply to this if you can,

I, first and foremost, want to thank you for this absolutely wonderful extension you made, you have no idea how many people you've helped, we are not mad at you, we do not blame you for anything even if GameMaker Server was to die tomorrow, you were a true asset to the game maker developer community and we're more than grateful to even know you!

My question to you is, which unless I am mistaken should be doable, is if it's possible to release a version of Game Maker Server where we have the extension AND the server executable so we can host it on our own servers, again, I am not asking you to give it for free nor to publicly release your whole creation as it is now, but I think changing GMS to work this way by the time it dies would take far less time and effort than reworking the whole extension? I might be mistaken but let me know what you think. I think that would help a LOT of us continue our games just by hosting our own servers.

Thank you again, Size43
Size43 (Administrator) on 9 Apr 2022, 14:36:19

I haven't made any specific plans for the end of GameMaker Server. My expectation is that the community around GameMaker Server and the games using it will have died by the time GameMaker Server shuts down. If that isn't the case I'll consider other options, like the one you mentioned.
ik3nn1 on 29 Jul 2022, 21:47:56
DF Connected (the most popular game using GM server) isn't really dying and the creator is still planning to update it, so
Size43 (Administrator) on 21 Aug 2022, 14:55:21
DF Connected is planning to transition away from GameMaker Server (and public lobbies) before GameMaker Server shuts down.
Kris_138 on 24 Oct 2023, 03:00:41
Y que pasará con hispatale :(?
Far_Good25 on 4 Jun 2022, 21:04:28
Right. You can just modify the block that tells gamemaker server to start running from where you set the objects up, version and other object you could put 2 more options that says IP/URL and PORT(optional) i mean port optional because if you setup the executable to use another port thats NOT the default then you can change it. PLEASE KEEP THIS PROJECT UP. Dont let my childhood go away.
Far_Good25 on 4 Jun 2022, 21:04:42
Yes i made games back then with this extension.
Bx_PW_GAME on 3 Dec 2022, 02:06:38
Can you explain this a little more? Or if you have a video tutorial?
Or explain Where to change and to what?
And can you host multiplayer games with pepole around the world with it?
Maybe not a million players but a smaller comminity?
wsaf on 15 Dec 2021, 02:47:03
I hope that i never will see the end.
DinoWattz on 18 Dec 2021, 05:03:38
yeah, me too.
RiverIsRising on 8 Feb 2022, 19:38:35
Thank you Size43 for having kept this going as long as you have. One of the most enjoyable game making experiences over the past several years for me has been experimenting with GM Server. You truly put a lot into this and the community at your expense and I'm just happy to have been a small part of it. Much appreciation for all you've done and I hope the very best for your future endeavors!
Size43 (Administrator) on 19 Feb 2022, 20:47:50
Thank you!
xcj233 on 17 Dec 2022, 12:44:37
Hi, size43.
I have used this server for my games since I knew that the gamemakerserver was online.
This allows everyone else to play my game, but there is a bad news that the server will be stopped.
I hope this is not true, or my game will be stopped after running for less than a year (I discovered it in 2022).
When can you start the server again after you stop it?
In other words, how to use the api of the server, can you give me an example?
You can add my QQ friends and send them to me. This is my account: 725439034.
Thank you, size 43.
- xcj233
Size43 (Administrator) on 17 Dec 2022, 20:18:04
I am not sure of how and when GameMaker Server will end, though I do think it is unlikely I will pass it on to someone else. I am not planning on starting the service again after shutting it down.

I might release source code at some point, though I do not have concrete plans for that right now. You'll see an announcement here, if and when that happens.
amkgames on 30 Jul 2022, 03:24:43
Hey Size43,

Congratulations on your new job! It's sad to see this server go down. But it had to one day anyways.
I always loved being here, it was always nostalgic. This place reminds me of my good ol' days of game making. Will never forget about this server or you. You were always active and helping those who were having problems. It's a bit emotional tbh. I hope you stay happy and healthy. I bid farewell to this server.

I don't like letting go of friends tho. If you have Discord, I'd love to be your friend there, my Discord username is: Matin#3848
And every other social site has @mystmoir

Thank you for this nostalgic experience! :)
Size43 (Administrator) on 21 Aug 2022, 14:52:54
Thanks! I'll send you a friend request on Discord :)
LustgotAttacks on 28 Jan 2022, 14:05:49
I've been using GameMaker Server for around 2-3 years now and it's been fun to be a "part" or just a person who's using the Service, I will miss the old days.

Thanks a lot for the memories, Size43.
CG64 on 2 Jan 2024, 23:39:15
So, thank you, admin. I'm so glad I had an opportunity to play and make some online games few years ago, it was fun.
pro_dev_game on 1 Apr 2023, 13:08:02
Thanks to you
TheMiningBoyAlpha on 16 Feb 2023, 18:44:48
And as soon as I plan to revive Konotsu Gunner, I see this.
UNKNO on 5 Feb 2023, 18:53:06
im going to miss you, Thanks for the fun moments.
Seacat17 on 3 Feb 2023, 20:23:53
So sad that yet another amazing project is going off radars.

You know what's even sadder in all of this?

It's the fact that many now abandoned multiplayer games that had been hosted on GMS are going to die completely. One very horrible example is UTMV that is long dead but is still being supported by some fans that are trying to keep it on GMS in a quiet place almost no one knows about. When GMS will go offline, this game will die completely.

Welp, we can do nothing about it. It is just how life works. It could be a good place to say about Flash Player EoL, but I don't think that those things are comparable. Flash is still alive, because it's primarily offline technology and it is being supported by it's fans. But with GMS...

I wish you luck, Size43. Thank you for keeping us whole in this adventure. I hope that when one door closes, another one opens. The door with GMS must be closed forever now. But I looked in the replies and I already saw some words about open-source. Maybe this is that opened door?..
Size43 (Administrator) on 4 Feb 2023, 17:44:26
GameMaker Server will still stay alive for a little while longer :)

Don't expect GameMaker Server to turn into an open source project. I do not have the time necessary to support that. However, I am aware that shutting GameMaker Server down will also make some games completely unplayable. If at all possible, I would like to release code that makes it possible to continue playing those games.
CameronCGD on 18 Dec 2022, 02:35:49
ijust recently made an account to play an online multiplayer game and now i heard the server is shutting down so before it goes i just want to say goodbye to it because it made real good memories tome and thank you.
Bx_PW_GAME on 29 Nov 2022, 22:49:53
Im fr going to miss you, have only used this a bit but its great. and so are you!
Size43 (Administrator) on 17 Dec 2022, 20:22:44
SKGtheBlack on 5 Sep 2022, 14:29:26
I'm so sorry to hear that and I hope you the best with your life and job <3

By the way, Is it possible for you to give the credit of this Server to someone else who want it to develop more and stay alive for a longer time? I mean give the ownership or Administrator to a Team or person who could pay, program, and invest more in the Game Maker Server?

I love playing this server games and I love to pay even a lot for them!
I hope you'll make best decisions about this server and everything related to this

Thank you for these 10 golden years <3
Size43 (Administrator) on 17 Dec 2022, 20:13:32
Thanks! And apologies for the delay.

I am not sure of how and when GameMaker Server will end, though I do think it is unlikely I will pass it on to someone else. Once I've decided what to do I'll of course announce it here.
RalseiTheKid on 4 Aug 2022, 16:28:26
will we lost accounts to our games?
when its gets shutdown?
Size43 (Administrator) on 21 Aug 2022, 14:52:14
You will no longer be able to log in to games using GameMaker Server when it shuts down.
xcj233 on 17 Nov 2022, 06:08:50
Can you let us use your server? This may be a good way
ahmadggqqm on 26 Jul 2022, 08:05:35
Why dont you try to make a paid version?
Maybe you gonna have enough money to make it alive
Size43 (Administrator) on 21 Aug 2022, 14:50:31
I'm sorry, I do not think there is enough interest in a paid version. And even if there is, I do not have enough free time to spend on building it.
SandsSkeleton on 21 Jun 2022, 15:49:06
Wait a minute... does this mean that the games that use GMS are gonna lose their Multiplayer or not ?
SandsSkeleton on 21 Jun 2022, 15:57:46
For example, i reeeaally like playing Undertale: Don't Forget CONNECTED online but... does this mean the game's multiplayer will die and the devs will need to find a new alternative ?
Size43 (Administrator) on 9 Jul 2022, 15:54:13
This might happen at some point, unfortunately. I currently have no concrete plans to shut down the server, though.
Uhaszysz on 5 Jun 2022, 22:11:58
You should try to update this for gamemaker 2. Its such great tool i belive with gamemaker 2 you could get more more donations.
Size43 (Administrator) on 18 Jun 2022, 14:05:12
Sorry, I won't be updating the extension anymore. I also no longer accept donations.
Uhaszysz on 5 Jun 2022, 22:15:59
i wanted to pay donations every month while using it in released game but i stopped development when i realised you cant upload GMS1.4 games to playstore
Far_Good25 on 4 Jun 2022, 21:00:51
Thats so saaad... Please dont let this happen and if the end happens open the source code to the world so the project never dies somewhere like github. Still please try to keep this up i dont want to have to setup my own server.
boofhead1000 on 9 Apr 2022, 12:56:41
I know This Sounds Weird to ask But Why Can't You Continue Accepting Donations Cuz you have a Job?
Size43 (Administrator) on 9 Apr 2022, 14:40:22
Some jobs place constraints on the kind of work you can do alongside your job. Accepting donations turns GameMaker Server into "work" rather than just something I do in my free time.
boofhead1000 on 10 Apr 2022, 04:09:04
I guess That Makes Sense GameMaker Server Has Really Allowed me to Play Games That Probs Would Not Have Existed Without Them

My Only Other Questions if Gamemaker Server Were to Go Down What Next For games That Depend on it?
Size43 (Administrator) on 24 Apr 2022, 14:23:54
I have no concrete plans for how I will end up shutting GameMaker Server down. You'll get plenty of notice, and if there are still games active using GameMaker Server when I shut it down, I will try to offer alternatives if possible.
boofhead1000 on 3 Jul 2022, 13:25:57
best alternative i see is a way to allow user to host it themselves and download the save data for their users or something and making it so a user can auth access to their save for a game to shared with a thirdparty gamemaker server host
xcj233 on 17 Nov 2022, 06:05:13
This may be a good way
jose_creative on 15 Feb 2022, 01:35:06
well if it somehow ends i had the idea of some sort of version which the developer can host it or something like that idk if it is a good idea tho
Size43 (Administrator) on 19 Feb 2022, 20:47:35
That is indeed something I'm considering. But of course the time investment I need to make for that can't be too big.

It's also very possible that by the time GameMaker Server finally does end up shutting down for good, nobody is using it anymore. For now I'm just waiting to see how it ends up turning out.
jose_creative on 24 Jul 2022, 23:29:24
i tought about and had the idea for a host application, like hosting a minecraft server on your own computer
Size43 (Administrator) on 21 Aug 2022, 14:47:24
Solutions like this require a lot of work, and I don't think I'll be able to invest the time necessary to build something like this.
boofhead1000 on 10 Apr 2022, 04:18:08
Maybe You Could Dump Source Code At Some point? how Your Server Works But Maybe
Bx_PW_GAME on 30 Nov 2022, 02:38:29
You think he really wants to throw years away? I mean he has taken his time, alot of years for this. And you think he just gon give it all away? Nah, this is his work, he keeps it. If this end, its a sad story. But none can stick to something forever, he can TRY come up with a solution, but he dosn’t have to. He owe us nothing. It’s the other way around there. Even tho he dosn’t need to come up with a solution, i see that he is concidering finding a way. Wich is more then enough.
Bx_PW_GAME on 30 Nov 2022, 02:41:15
I just relized this thing i replied to was sent months ago.. i just scrolled to read, but still my thoughts.
boofhead1000 on 13 Jan 2023, 15:53:53
it is just i hate to see gamemaker server go completely off ya know i was just wondering if at some point he might open-source gamemaker server to us and allow us to create custom servers to keep project alive for future game devs if the project is taxing on him

like a framework that has accounts and profiles and all that ready to go ya know for game devs using game maker as you said though it is his choice and i do understand if he wants to keep it to himself and well if that is the case i just want to say i have had good times thanks to this service ya know so thanks man
Size43 (Administrator) on 21 Jan 2023, 18:44:44
I do intend to release the source code at some point -- but mostly for archival purposes. So please don't expect a "download this and run it and you have a copy of GameMaker Server." It will likely be a pain to set up, and I definitely won't be supporting it.
boofhead1000 on 23 Mar 2023, 15:52:08
that is great i imagine there will be a team that picks up the project

Yet again Thanks for allowing devs to make games which gave my childhood some great memories
boofhead1000 on 13 Jan 2023, 15:54:17
P.S i am in the same reply situation lol